Whether you are fortunate to be employed or currently looking for employment, job security today is not like it was in years past.
Since the pool of eligible and highly qualified people seeking jobs is so large, it is important to understand what employers are looking for in perspective employees and in the employees they currently have.
Posts over the next few days will cover key points in becoming a great employee; the type of employee that employers are looking for and once hired want to keep.
The first two qualities are:
1. Ethical Standards: Be a person who holds firm to the belief and practices of “The Golden Rule.” You cannot go wrong if this is your ethical foundation. Integrity and accountability speak louder than any words. Make your “yes” mean “yes” and your “no” mean “no.” Always speak the truth.
Trust takes time to build with your employer, but once it is established, do everything to protect it. Broken trust is hard to repair, if it can be at all.
An employee that has professional, ethical standards is highly valued in the workplace. They are also becoming a rare find.
2. Punctuality: Arriving to work on time and being ready to work on time are two totally different things. Employees often think that just because they are in the building at their starting time that they then are at work on time.
Employers on the other hand consider being on time for work as when the employee has arrived in plenty of time to take care of whatever they need to; i.e., coffee, putting personal items away, bathroom needs, etc., and is ready to work at the designated starting time.
Do you see the difference? Great employees are never to work on time, they are always early and ready to work on time.
“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”
~Thomas Jefferson