Mondays can be difficult for many people for many reasons. I came across an excellent article on the Forbes website about beating the Monday blues.
International author and speaker on happiness at work, Alexander Kjerulf, states that the Monday blues are so prevalent that they have become a cultural phenomenon. He said because of this it makes the blues easy to laugh off as “this is just the way things are.”
The blues can be much more than just a passing tiredness; they are often a serious warning sign that something is not right at work. If you were happy, you would be excited and energized on Mondays, not tired and depressed.
Rita Friedman, a Philadelphia-based career coach, agrees. “if you love your job and are passionate about what you are doing, going into work on Monday morning is another opportunity to do what you love. But if you are feeling under-appreciated or unsatisfied with your job, it can be especially difficult to start another seemingly endless workweek.”
The article lists 11 ways you can beat the Monday blues and each of them is a great point to consider whether you are suffering from the blues or just wanting to start your week off better.
Here are five of the points the article talks about:
1. Prepare for Monday on Friday.
2. Make a list of things that you are excited about to get you through your work week.
3. Get enough sleep not only on the weekend but every night.
4. Dress for success. You always feel better when you look your best.
5. Make someone else happy (this is my favorite).
It is a great article, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Happy Monday to you all!