Over the next few posts I will cover several traits that great leaders posses. I hope you will not only enjoy them, but will pick up pearls from their wisdom.
Becoming a great leader takes time, perseverance, training and passion. There are several key qualities that great leaders posses and one of these is accountability.
It is so much easier to blame others or circumstances than it is to hold yourself accountable for errors or poor results. The crazy thing is when you blame circumstance or others when it was actually your fault you are only putting blinders on your own eyes and no one else’s as they clearly can see the truth.
Over time if a leader continues to be a “blamer” they will lose respect of those on their team and eventually they will seek to find other jobs. Which, I am sure the leader will blame on the employee or others and not themselves.
If you want those who work with you to be accountable for their actions, then the only way that will happen is if the leader of the business is accountable for their actions always.
Employees look to their leaders to learn from and become examples of, leaders are responsible for their actions whether they realize it or not they are sending a very clear message by their behavior.
At the end of the day we are accountable to ourselves – our success is a result of what we do. ~ Catherine Pulsifer