We all have experienced a time, maybe a few, when we have gotten stuck in a rut. We feel down, maybe sorry for ourselves, and just cannot seem to pull ourselves out.
Times like this may be triggered by some bad event or unhappy change in our life.
If we do not pick ourself up quickly the issue can become serious, possibly requiring outside help to recover.
I was talking with a friend of mine who had been experiencing just such a time in her life, she was in a rut. She had been transferred at work and was not happy about the change. Instead of trying to embracing it and getting to know her new coworkers she became resentful and withdrawn.
Her husband realized that something needed to be done to help her and he came across the challenge above and decided he would approach her with it. He knew that his wife had been wanting to get some new flooring, and he had been holding off, but he knew that it would be worth the purchase if his wife could do the “grateful” challenge.
He challenged her and she was to find three things that she was grateful for each day for 21 days, write them down, and tell the family each night at the dinner table. She not only had to tell them what she was grateful for but why. His wife jumped at the challenge.
To make a long story short she not only got her new floors, but during the process she became grateful for her new job and coworkers. He said about two weeks into the challenge she was coming home telling the family about her new job and how much she was enjoying the new challenges it brought.
I think this was one smart husband. I also think that this challenge is a great one and you do not have to be in a rut to take it on. How much better would each of our lives be if we did this challenge everyday?
Are you up to it? Let me know what happens.