“Yes! A wonderful alternative to no!” ~ Jeffrey Gitomer”
Doing Holiday shopping can be one of those love/hate tasks. You enjoy buying family and friends gifts that will surprise them and at the same time not all shopping experiences are pleasant.
When I was in high school I worked in a toy store during the Christmas Holiday season. I will never forget the rudeness of the customers as I tried to help them get the items that were on their children’s Santa lists.
Although many of the encounters were unpleasant I learned valuable lessons from that job. I promised that I would never be rude to sales people and I would never go Christmas shopping when I was on a tight schedule.
Today, while Christmas shopping I had a very pleasant encounter with a young sales woman. She saw that I was looking at a particular item and came over to see if I had any questions. I asked the price of the item and she knew it immediately.
I told her I would take the item and she noticed that the box was crushed on one end and asked me if it was going to be a gift, and it was. She then said that she would go to the back and get one that was in a nice box if I had a few minutes to wait, which I did.
This young woman had a sparkle in her eye and an upbeat tone in her voice. She even had a bounce in her step as she went to retrieve a new item for me. These are attributes that cannot be taught, they are instilled.
When she returned she finished my transaction and you could not help but notice that she really was enjoying helping the customers. She wished me happy holidays when I was stepping away.
There were several people waiting in line behind me and she was the only one at the register in the department. I pretend to look at other items as I wanted to observe her as she interacted with the rest of the customers.
I was so pleased to see that with each one she was just a friendly and helpful as she had been with me. The young woman definitely had a “Yes Attitude.” I hope her employer knows what a jewel of an employee they have.
This encounter reminded me of a few points that I read in Jeffrey Gitomer’s “Little Gold Book of YES Attitude.”
Positive attitude happens when you make it happen.
Attitude is your choice, not your circumstance.
Attitude is the way you respond to the situation, not the situation itself.
You have control over the way you choose, and the way you respond.
I have to tell you I was pretty amazed at this young woman’s YES attitude. I wish I would have learned how to have such a great attitude when I was her age. It would have saved me a lot of grief and trouble.
Jeffery’s book is a good choice to have in your personal library. It is one of those books you can pick up and get a quick attitude adjustment by opening any one of the pages.
Happy Tuesday!