My Aunt Dollie is my best resource for articles that pertain to current business and self-improvement. She recently sent me an article that appeared in the N.Y. Times “Corner Office” featuring Noreen D. Beaman the C.E.O. of Brinker Capital. The title of the article is “Want to Succeed? Be Accountable”. Of course with a title like that it got my attention right away.
I am not going to go through the whole article, as I am sure you will want to read it yourself. However, I will tell you that Noreen talks about the top essential lessons that need to be learned which would allow you to succeed in your professional life.
All of the points that Ms. Beaman presents are excellent, but the one that jumped out at me was the fact that you need to be a person who is accountable. You need to be accountable for your actions, thoughts, responsibilities and mistakes.
Ms. Beaman makes the following statement in the article about her company’s culture:
“One thing we do is hold people accountable. We make sure everyone’s in a position to be successful. Then, when you’re not successful, we have to have a conversation. You need to hold up your end of the bargain. Sometimes you’re not a good culture fit because you do not what to be held accountable and sometimes you are a great culture fit and we just did not give you the right training, so we will do that. Sometimes you will make a mistake. Life happens. But let’s not do it again. One of our mantras is, “Find it, fix it, prevent it.”
Successful businesses keep everyone accountable from the business owner to the newest employee. If one person is allowed to slip and not be held accountable, it opens the door for a possible mutiny one day.
Keeping accountability connected to everything that each person in the company does allows for more transparency in the workplace that will provide a better work culture for everyone who is on board and headed in the same direction.
“A true hero is not someone who thinks about doing what is right, but one that simply does what is right without thinking”
~ Kevin Heath, CEO More4kids