Sounds too go to be true, but it is. When we are stressed and under pressure we use up our energy that is why at the end of a day that has been stressful you are exhausted. I know at times when I have been sitting in my office almost the full day, and have been working on tasks that have to be done, I am pooped when 5 o’clock rolls around. It wasn’t because I have been moving all day to make me tired it was the stress of completing the tasks on time. Then there are times when I have been on my feet all day, but enjoying the encounters of the patients and the day is running smoothly, but busy and when I am done I feel great. There wasn’t any stress to wear me out, I was working but I was relaxed doing it. Taking time to relax, really relax, each day is rejuvenating for your mind and your body, you will actually have more energy and be able to accomplish more each day. Make relaxing a habit you will be glad you did, there are several good tips on how to relax in the links below.