So often we are not even aware of how we stifle our communication with others. There are several things that we may do that turn people off when they are trying to talk to us. Interrupting the speaker is an all time offender. I am sure you have done it and have also had it done to you. Nothing worse than trying to say something or get a point across and before you can finish the person you are speaking to jumps in with their own ideas and you don’t even know if they heard what you said. Better yet is once you have finished what you are saying the other person always has a come back that is negative, they never agree or acknowledge what you said in a positive way. It is virtually impossible to have a two-way conversation with this type of person. Communication is tricky to say the least, it takes active listening ( Active Listening presentation), being sensitive to differences, using positive statements instead of negative, and the willingness to take the time to understand and be understood. Remember the next time someone is talking to you to take time to really hear them and then respond in a positive way.
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