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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
How Do Others View You?
One of my job tasks is taking the deposits to the bank. I find that this task is time consuming and I feel that my time could be better...
Stressing Your Co-workers Out With Your Baggage
When talking with people I like to find out what types of things they like about their workplace and things they do not like about their...
Poor Work Relationships Cause Stress
It is such a difficult thing to work with others who either do not like you or you do not like. Workplace relationships can make or...
Lack of Training is Stressful
No matter how hard employers and employees try, there are bound to be stressful situations that come up at work. Being able to work...
It’s Their Fault….The Blame Game
“Don’t find fault, find remedy.” ~ Henry Ford Have you ever worked with a blamer? Or maybe you live with one. This type of personality...
The Art Of Learning To Communicate?
What possibly could be so difficult about communicating with another person? Most of the time we think there are very few problems when...
What If You Were The Customer?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a customer coming into your place of business to either purchase something or receive...
Are You Just Behind Or Could It Be Procrastination
Are you constantly behind on your work or projects? Do you have a messy desk with several little stacks on it? Is there never enough...
Too Many Office Policies “What a Scary Thought!”
How do you create operational policies that everyone will be willing to follow? Many offices that I have worked with have had an office...
Mixing Business and Personal Conversations at Work
Recently had a conversation with a colleague who happened to mention to me that their workplace discouraged employees from engaging in...
Handling Bad Moods At Work
You just found out the hard way that your boss or co-worker is not in a good mood today. You really thought that your question was a...
Keeping Your Work Environment Healthy
There is a big cost to a business when employees are ill or unhealthy. There is lost production with absenteeism, but also when...
Boost Your Likeability
I was reading Small Business News, if you have never visited their blog it is a great hub for excellent business articles each day, all...
How Are Your Customers Treated?
Every business depends on customers of some type. Without them they would no longer be in business. It is highly important that...
Called to Leadership?
Yesterday Trevor Nagle, ABD, on his blog Leadership Musings of a Skeptical Positivist, had a great article regarding leadership. (I have...
How Stressful Is Your Job?
How would you rate the level of stress at your job? A. Espresso B. Strong coffee C. Regular cup of coffee D. Decaffeinated E. Other...
Colliding Coworkers
I have said it many times before today, when you are working with people you will always have people problems. There is just no getting...
Get Creative In Problem Solving
We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations” ~Charles R. Swindol If it is not...
Listening to Employee Suggestions
By Greg Blenco It can be easy for managers and employees to just go through day after day after day at work and only focus on what needs...
The Customer is Not Always Right
by Greg Blencoe A while back, I had a brief conversation with a woman I know. Near the end of the conversation, she told me that her...
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