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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Mastering Leadership
“The Lone Ranger would have died without Tonto.” Leaders do not become leaders by themselves, yet so often we point out the leader...

Create Customer Loyalty
In the instant demand world that we live in, where many times our customer service is done in a matter of a few minutes. We really need...

Workplace Refrigerator Etiquette
Sharing a refrigerator at work can have its drawbacks. This cute video serves as a reminder that you should only eat what is yours in...

Unrealistic Customers
Do you work in a customer service business? If you do I am sure you can relate to this video very well. I am always amazed at the...

It’s Monday!
It’s Monday, not all people feel about their job like Mike here does. Some of you may not like your workplace at all, but you need the...

What Are You Eating?
Good Morning, before you stick anything into your mouth this morning you may want to watch this entertaining video about the food we...

How To Change Your Life
“Live out your imagination, not your history” ~ Stephen Covey Motivation comes from within, we can not motivate others and others cannot...
It Is All About The Words You Choose
The video below reminds me of a lecture that I attended a year ago given by Jesus Vazquez, PMAC, who also writes for this blog. The title...
You To Can Succeed….this is a great video
I used this video in a lecture one year, the theme being “The Winner is You”. It is a simple video with a BIG message that drives the...
What Really Motivates People at Work?
Dan Pink talks about understanding what motivates people at work. If it’s not a dangling carrot that makes one want to do better at...
Live Healthly and Motivate Others to do the Same
This is one young man who knows what he is talking about. The video is short (5 min) and to the point and we can improve our health and...
Randy Pausch on Handling The Grim Reaper
Randy Pausch author of the Last Lecture who died in July 2008, addresses the graduating class of Carnegie Mellon of 2008. His lessons to...
We all can suffer from it now and then, but we cannot allow it to become a way of life, or you may not have much of one.

Take Time to Laugh….it’s good for you! Read more:
Personality Traits….
Dr. Joel Freeman talks about different personality traits and how we can lean to identify them better in order to have a better...

Seize The Day
Carpe Diem ….Seize the day! For those of us who have been around long enough to remember the great movie The Dead Poet Society with...

Planning Your Day
To do list or not to do list….what is a good way to plan your day. You make your list and set out to getting all of the items checked...
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