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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Employee Recognition, Are there Better Ways?
How many articles or books have you read about employee recognition? As a manager, supervisor, or business owner we know the benefits of...

What is Your Mission Statement?
Most corporations and businesses have a mission statement posted in their lobby so those who enter can see the purpose and goals of the...

Facing and Fixing Fear
Fear is a powerful emotion. It can totally stop you from pursuing dreams, desires, or even from just riding a roller coaster. For some,...

Co-workers Who Weigh The Team Down
One of the most difficult types of co-workers to have is one that does not carry his or her portion of the workload in the office. We...

Can You Motivate Employees?
“Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.” ~ Stephen...

High-Quality Employees
“No matter how good or successful you are or how clever or crafty, your business and its future are in the hands of the people you...

A Christmas Story
Below is a true story that is so touching to the soul Dear friends, The short Christmas story below was originally published in the...

The Importance Of Understanding All Positions On The Team
There are all types of team players and If you have managed a team for very long I am sure you are thinking of the ones that you know. I...

Leadership Attributes, Inspiring Others
This is a topic that quickly catches a manager’s attention. Keeping the staff moving in the right direction all of the time can be a...

The Benefits of Asking Why
“A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.” ~ Richard Branson People cannot just...

Missing the Mark With Your Employees
1. Businesses grow and change, strategies change. 2. Employees become more experienced and their duties change. 3. As technology...

Make People Feel Important
“Everyone has an invisible sign hanging on their neck saying, “Make me feel important.” Never forget this message when working with...

The Foundation of Great Employee Training
My sister who was older got to clean the bathrooms, I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to do this “glorious job.” Then the day came...

Working Better By Understanding How Your Brain Works
I am continually amazed at all of the wonderful people who I have come in contact with and the talent that each of you have and are...

Giving New Employees A Positive Start
Other employees in the practice also can be struggling with bringing a new person on board. What will they be like? Personalities, skill...

Reward Great Service
I am, especially if the business has the WOW factor going on and the people who work there excel in the service they give. You can just...

Practice Kindness Each Day
What about practicing some random acts of kindness each day? They don’t have to be big or cost anything. I like to give away “hellos”...

Can You Take The Time To Listen?
After his appointment he stopped by my office and said to me, “look at the pictures of the ship I was on for my vacation.” I then...

When Work Styles Clash
For example you may be the type of person when you see that there is a better way of doing something you just want to do it now. Your...

Making A Great Impression With Excellent Customer Service
Since I work in the patient/customer service business I am always on the lookout for great examples of it to share with others in the...
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