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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
Should Managers Let Employees Struggle?
The Butterfly Story A man found a cocoon for a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared, he sat and watched the butterfly for several...
Do You Sound Like The Professional That You Are?
Help To Break Bad Habits 4/17/13 #badhabits #officemanagement #slangwordsatwork #soundlikeaprofessional #breakbadlanguagehabits...
When Dealing With Bullies At Work 4/2015 #bulliesatwork #handlingproblemsatworkwithbullys #meancustomers...
Handling An Emergency At Work, Are You Prepared?
OSHA Emergency Facts Sheet OSHA Office First Aid Plans #Medicalinformation #heartattack #MedicalEmergenciesatwork #OSHA #CPRatwork...
Does Your Office Have A Compelling Vision?
People need a vision in order to know their purpose. If the office does not have a vision for what it is doing and where it is going the...
If You Quit You Surely Won’t Get There
Whether you want to accomplish something in your personal or professional life, you will always hit road blocks along the way. Many...
How Do Rude People Keep Their Job?
I am always so shocked when I encounter a person in a place of business that is rude. Today I got a phone call from a supervisor of a...
Start Your Day Off On The Right Foot
1. Greet them with a smile 2. Say good morning or afternoon 3. Help them with caring kindness 4. Appreciate them being there 5. Listen to...
Mission Statements, Do You Have One?
“If you don’t have your own plan, someone else is going to make you fit into their plan.” –Anthony Robbins
Develop A Smiling Attitude
A smile holds a lot of power, it can bring perfect strangers together, We have seen this happen time and time again in our medical...
Does Your Personality Influence How You Manage Your Time?
A flip side to this that can be very insightful to managers is to take a look at your staff’s personalities when dealing with them on...
What do you do with sour lemons at work?
1. Remain calm, now this can be hard especially if you are taken by surprise. By remaining calm you are defusing any escalation of the...
Honing Your Leadership Skills
Management Craft and the post is linked below. The author was talking about being with a friend who glows with caring, leadership, and...
Taking A Mental Health Moment
The link below has some great tips on mental health breaks at work and at home. Mental Health America; finding balance Technorati Tags:...
Is It Time To Make A Change?
What I found very interesting and what I really want to address, is that not only did I lecture about how to make changes to better our...
Don’t Let Rude People Ruin Your Day
Calculating What Your Time Is Really Worth
Have you ever really evaluated what your time is worth in dollars and cents? You may be quite surprised if you do. It is a fact that...
Avoid Burnout With A Healthy Work Life
“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections” ~Unknown 7/30/12...
Give Yourself A Time Out
Lately is seems that there just is not enough time to get everything done each day. At work we are implementing a new software, which...
The First Line You Deliver Sets The Tone
From past experience, I have learned to take that extra second (maybe two) to gather myself together and re-focus before saying “hello”...
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