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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
Getting Over Generational Humps
Gen Y Girl by Kayla Cruz. She is so refreshing with her insights on being a Gen Y and how hard it is out there to get employers to take...
Making Great Customer Connections
I didn’t know if they really were interested in making sure that I got a good deal and a good vehicle or if they just wanted to make the...
Customers Remember Good Service
“People may not remember exactly what you did or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.” ~author unknown...
Obtaining Personal Goals
Okay I know you are probably thinking what is new under the sun that can be said about reaching goals. Probably not a lot new can be...
A Thought For Saturday
And then there are times when the change is much greater, as in the loss of a loved one and it is a true life changing alteration. Life...
So Who Packs Your Parachute?
As a business owner, manager or supervisor you must never forget that you alone do not make your department, practice or business...
Keeping The Gears Of Leadership Oiled
Or another way to say it, is they think because they hire someone who they should automatically understand what the vision is for the...
Handling Angry Customers
Even after working in a people service business for many years I still get surprised at the negative things people will say to us when...
10 Life Lessons
I was right it was a great article with a lot of pearls of practical wisdom that anyone could benefit from. All 10 lessons were very...
Life’s Interesting Messages
Since I was the Educational Chair for the program part of my job tasks was to make sure that after the program was over that nothing of...
Management IQ Test
The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and (allegedly) tells whether you are truly ready for ‘management’. 1. How do you put a...
Education Of Employees Creates Dedication Of Employees
Statistics show that more employees are now looking to invest back into their jobs and this trend is on the upswing for people to want to...
Empowering Employees is a Smart Business Strategy
One definition of empowerment for the workplace is; Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an employee to think, behave,...
Greg Blencoe on Good Management Practices
After I watched the video review, I started thinking about why good management practices are so important. And the reason is that they...
How Can You Be A Better Manager?
Continuing education is the key to improving not only your skills but the skills of those you serve. The better you are at being a...
Sunday Evening Thought.. Ah a Smile
As I am winding down for the day getting ready to think about what I want to accomplish tomorrow. One of the things that came to my mind...
Need Help In Planning Your Day?
To do list or not to do list….what is a good way to plan your day. You make your list and set out to get all of the items checked off...
Death of a Potential Team
Oftentimes co-workers will not share with you that they are struggling and need some help as they feel that it may make them look bad. ...
Are You Called To Be A Leader?
“if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ~John Quincy Adams Working in an...
Sunday Afternoon Thought…..
As this women spoke about how much she loved her trip she mentioned that she felt like her “time clock” was ticking away too fast and...
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