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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Could I Be A Better Co-Worker?
We are with our co-workers more waking hours than we are with our family members at home. We have difficulties with family from time to...

Giving Negative Feedback
Positive feedback is easy and it makes everyone involved feel good. It inspires repeat behavior in employees and motivation to do even...

Sunday Motivation
~ Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go! Sometimes we just need a little reminder and encouragement… Thank you Dr. Seuss! Have a wonderful...

Small Business Of America
There is no way that we can read every great article out there, but there is an excellent way to find several of these articles in one...

Managers Who Create Winning Teams
Successful managers/employers have learned the value of teamwork. They know how to keep their team inspired to do their best work. They...

Responding To Employee Needs
Having heard what your employees have said, more often than not, will require a response from you. Second on the list of attributes...

Sunday’s Thought
After answering a few questions regarding how the Ravens turned it around to be in the running for playoffs Ray Lewis paused and summed...

Born to Lead
Robert Griffin III, has an incredibly inspiring story and his leadership skills are proof that it is his calling. The amazing part is...

Continued Growth At Work
1. Work hard for continuous improvement. 2. Seek occupational growth and development. These two attributes go hand-and-hand as they feed...

Value Those You Work With
They also understand that each person that works for the company has a position that is as valuable as theirs. They take the time to earn...

Become A Problem Solver
1. Ethical Standards 2. Punctuality 3. Paying attention 4. Learning to do your job well 5. Being organized Each of the attributes that we...

Learning What An Employer Expects
I supply all of my employees with notebooks for their personal note-taking from day one. It is impossible for anyone to remember...

Becoming a Great Employee
Since the pool of eligible and highly qualified people seeking jobs is so large, it is important to understand what employers are...

Do You See Angels?
Sally was in her late nineties and she had some dementia. Every time that Sally came to the office she would be smiling and would tell...

Poor Communication At Work
Mary has noticed that there have been times when working with Bill that he gave her information regarding company policies, future...

Can You Motivate Employees?
“Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.” ~ Stephen...

Each Day Is A New Beginning
“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables No matter what it...

New Year Resolutions and Goals
“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” ~ George Washington Carver If you had the...

You Cannot Manufacture Pride
“This was posted earlier this year. It is a great topic and is one that we will put on the back burner because there are so many other...

A Christmas Story
Below is a true story that is so touching to the soul Dear friends, The short Christmas story below was originally published in the...
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