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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Who Made an Impact on You?
A friend recently passed this quiz along to me. It made me think about people who have helped me that I have not thought about in a long...

Sunday Morning Thought…
Easter Sunday Thought: “This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it...

You Get Out What You Put In
Nothing is free. We have to work at, and for, anything we wish to achieve success in. Relationships, goals, and our career all need to be...

Have A Gratitude Attitude
On this Good Friday I wanted to take the opportunity to share with you one of my favorite “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff” stories on being...

Team Trust
True trust takes time to build between people. Yet at work we need to be able to trust our teammates many times from the start without...

Don’t Fear Failure
A few years ago I came upon this great book, “Celebrating Failure” by author Ralph Heath. I believe this is one book that should be in...

Sunday Thought…
“Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, “Is life a multiple choice test or is it a true or false test?” …Then a voice comes to me out...

What Environment Do You Create?
“Your Primary influence is the environment you create.” ~ Peter Senge Today on Dan Rockwell’s Leadership Freak blog he covers the topic...

Mistakes Managers Make
Every few years we are required to renew our driver’s license. We drive every day and manage to do a great job, yet we are required to...

Difficulty of Making Decisions
Decisions, decisions, we have so many to make. From everyday decisions such as what to fix for dinner or what to wear to work, to where...

Battle of the Attitudes
I have been doing research recently for a lecture I am preparing on “Attitudes.” I am repeatedly reminded that it really is up to each of...

Positive Self-Preparation
Sunday afternoon doesn’t have to be a drag knowing that it is only a few hours until you need to get ready to go back to work for another...

Saturday thought…
“When people are going forward it is a good sign, because they have forgotten where they came from.” ~ E. Kens Victor Keep moving...

Super Food, Super Productive
Yesterday, on my friend David Kanigan’s blog Lead.Learn.Live, he featured an article about Superfoods. These 14 Superfoods are supposed...

Spring Brings Changes
The first day of spring is next week. It is time to start thinking of planting a garden, spring cleaning or getting some outdoor...

Free Download of The Supermanager
Last weekend I lead a workshop for office managers using the book “The Supermanager” as my resource. I have found this book to be a...

What Do You Need To Move Ahead?
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing...

The Bitterness of Criticism
There are some people who feel it is their job to be critical of their co-workers and their efforts. When I come across someone who is...

Friday Food For Thought…
I wish you all a wonderful Friday. These are my two Boston Terriers, Bella and Sofia, they are such a joy to our household. I learn so...

Facing and Fixing Fear
Fear is a powerful emotion. It can totally stop you from pursuing dreams, desires, or even from just riding a roller coaster. For some,...
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