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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Three Key Managerial Secrets
A common complaint among managers, no matter type of business they are in, is lack of employee cooperation to complete their job tasks....

Making Time To Think
Putting off thinking about projects, deadlines or commitments can be very draining to your mind and cause you to become unproductive in...

“Just Listen”
A colleague recently recommended the book “Just Listen” by Author Mark Goulston. Since I am a firm believer that we must keep improving...

Developing Leadership Skills
“Leadership is an ongoing work in progress. Always be looking for the next puzzle piece to fit into place.” ~ T. C. Totaro 10/17/14...

Walking in Your Co-workers Shoes
Have you ever been able to switch positions with someone at work? You really do learn a lot about what your co-workers have to do when...

Everything You Do Is Important
In his book The Slight Edge, author Jeff Olson talks about the “ripple effect.” This is when you toss a rock into a pond and see the...

Grab Your Crayons And Get Going!
Happy Sunday to you all! #lifehasnoerasers #wedrawourlife #lifejustgetsmorecolorful #Coloryourlife #happinessisanattitude

Life Is Too Short Not To Experience Greatness!
Go for the gusto! Reach for the stars or whatever you think will take you to the place of passion and peace in your life. Each day...

Communicating Clearly and Accurately At Work
Managers who hold frequent “town hall” meetings with their staff are more likely to keep the avenues of communication open during...

Do You Have Talent?
John Maxwell states in his book “Beyond Talent” that you need to become someone who gets extraordinary results. Dr. Maxwell has...

Give Out Goodness
It is Monday, what better way to start your week off than by making someone’s day great? It really is simple, just say or do something...

Professionally Speaking
I recently had a reminder of a painful experience I had many years ago of breaking a bad habit. I would use certain “filler words” when I...

Strengthening Employees
When I notice that one of my staff has a problem they are dealing with, I want to step in to help them fix it (make things better for...

10 Pages A Day Can Change Your Life
I recently have been following Jeff Moore’s blog, My Everyday Power Blog. Jeff’s blog is very uplifting and inspiring. He recently...

Little White Lies At Work
What should be done with an employee who tells “little white lies” often at work? Their coworkers are becoming very upset by this as...

Creating A Better You
Lately, the theme of becoming a better person has been popping up in everything I have been reading or listening to. Most people do want...

Enjoy Your Monday, let it be a fun day!
~I love my job. I love the pay! ~I love it more and more each day. ~I love my boss, he is the best! ~I love his boss and all the rest....

Pay It Forward
What a touching video. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone would “pay it forward” every now and then? 09/16/14...

Keeping Your Management Skills Sharpened
Stephen Covey was one of greatest leadership leaders of our time. We really are missing his wisdom each day since his passing. He gave...

Give Life All That You Can
I have a friend who is going through the challenges of Cancer. This person is very young and is an inspiration to those who come in...
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