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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Don’t Lose It..
During difficult times it is easy to lose our sense of humor, but it is during these times that we really need it. Humor can lift our...

Struggling With Employee Engagement?
If your job includes overseeing others to make sure tasks to run the business are getting done, then you really want to have people on...

What’s It Gonna Be?
Randy Pausch the author of the “Last Lecture” said “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the game.” This quote has...

Creating A Circle Of Safety At Work
As I mentioned a couple of posts ago, we have been covering the topic of “building Trust” with our work team in a private group I coach...

Coaching Isn’t Therapy
I have been investing in self-development for over 20 years now and besides a regular daily exercise routine it has been the best thing I...

Generational Differences In The Workplace
One day the Baby Boomer physician asked Gen Y assistant for the phone book. The assistant replied, “I don’t think we have one.” The...

Building Team Trust
Happy Monday to you all! This week in a private coaching group with Top Practices Virtual Practice Management Institute I will begin a...

Are You A Positive Team Player?
Everyone likes to work with people who have a great attitude. You know the person who smiles and says good morning and then if they are...

Making To-Do Lists That Work
I have a friend that makes these amazingly long to-do lists. The most amazing thing about them is they never get done. They will have...

Do You Want To Reach Your Goals?
We all have goals and dreams, but many times we just have thoughts of them and although we may never admit it we really do not think we...

What Do You Want To Achieve?
My partners and I at Top Practices work with professionals on a daily basis and know the struggles of achieving professional and personal...

It Is Still About The Customer Experience
With everything that is going on in our work world during this time, it can be difficult to keep employees engaged with their job tasks...

Small Habits Over Time
I have been reading the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, it is an excellent book if you want to continue to improve yourself one day...

The Journey To Greatness
“The journey to greatness often begins the moment our preferences for ease and comfort are overpowered by your deep desires for challenge...

Bring The Joy
I am one-hundred percent an advocate for happiness at work; I try to promote it each day when I am there. If I had to work in a place or...

Persistence Is The Key
If I had to come up with one word to describe my two decades of being a medical office manager and team leader it would be,...

Prosperity & Something Greater
My good friend and partner in The Top Practices Virtual Practice Management Institute is Rem Jackson. Rem is the CEO of Top Practices...

Wait Before You Judge The Moment
“Do not judge the moment because once you judge it good or bad you limit it from being something else.” ~ Jay Shetty The other day I was...

Do You Work In A Medical Practice? How is it going?
As many of you know, I work in a medical practice. Things are quite different now as we are reopening and trying to keep everyone safe...

It May Not Be What It Seems Like
“Sometime when things may seem like they are falling apart, they might actually be falling into place” ~Unknown Today, may be a difficult...
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