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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Disengaged Management
Often, when I have conversations with people I will ask about their employment and how they like their job. I usually hear one of two...

Looking To Get The Best From Your Employees?
If you are a business owner or manager and have people who work for you in your business you have probably ask yourself more than once,...

Poor Management vs Poor Employee
If I asked 100 business owners and their managers what is one of the most difficult issues that they face in running a business I am...

Team Death, Dread and Doom
As a business owner or manager how aware are you of your team members workloads, possible dilemmas or the stress that go with them? Many...

The Stories Our Customers Will Tell
Whether you work in a medical office, grocery store, or restaurant, if the business’ main purpose is to provide a service or product to...

Team Collaboration
Working with a team of people can be a challenge, especially if you have a hard time listening to your teammates and considering their...

Are You A Leader Worth Following?
A leadership role is not given to someone, it is something that they earn and are called to fulfill. In the workplace many times this is...

5 Positive Practices
“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big...

Making Communication Clearer
There have been times when my employer will ask me what a certain employee because something has given him reason to wonder and he...

We Are The Sum Of Our Actions
“We must remember we are not the sum of our intentions but of our actions.” ― Brendon Burchard As you encounter others today whether it...

Training Can Not Be A Drag
In talking with managers many times I find that they think training is a drag or pain. It takes too much time and they often have...

The Benefits Of Sharing At Work
“The impulse to keep to yourself what you have learned is not only shameful, it is destructive. Anything you do not give freely and...

Make Great Stories For Others To Tell
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak at a virtual seminar on Customer Care Opportunities, or in my case Patient Care Opportunities....

Peak Performance Management
If you have been in a management position at anytime in your employment life, I am sure you will agree that it is a position not for the...

The Ghost Of Christmas Past, A Management Lesson
For the past two weeks I have been teaching in our Virtual Practice Management membership group lessons we can learn from the story “A...

Coaching Your Team
If you’re called to lead, coach, manage or supervise, these simple rules will help you be the kind of leader your staff will respect and...

Life Doesn’t Get Easier
2020 what a year this has been globally. The other day I told my husband, “I feel like I am waiting for something, but don’t know what...

Let’s Review Some Basic Life Lessons
In light of the difficultly our country (USA) has been going through with Covid-19 and a major election that has caused unrest and anger...

What Will You Choose?
Wouldn’t it be great if we never had face difficult times in our life? Sometimes, when things have been going good for awhile I will...

Decisions Can Be Difficult
Decisions can be difficult at times and we have so many to make each day from what to fix for dinner, what to wear to work, to what would...
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