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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

How To Change Your Life
“Live out your imagination, not your history” ~ Stephen Covey Motivation comes from within, we can not motivate others and others cannot...

There Are No Dress Rehearsals….
No matter how many time management books we read, lectures we attend or podcasts we listen to, we never can plan for the unexpected. We...

My Passion, My Work, My Life
She was so taken with his beautiful pieces that he replicates based on Renaissance fragments found during local excavations, which...
Achieve Your Goals By Not Telling Anyone
Telling someone your goals make it less likely to happen. When telling people your goals you get a sense of satisfaction that tricks your...

Be More Productive By Relaxing
We are such busy people with so many demands in our lives with trying to balance work life, home life and personal “me” life. It seems...

Exercise Your Brain
1. Playing challenging games with others or by yourself, like Sudoku or word search. 2. Read different types of books or articles. 3....

What is Your Purpose?
I I flipped through the flight service magazine to see if there was something that I might like to watch and nothing really jumped out at...

Stress Or Burnout, Knowing The Difference
I always thought the two were pretty much the same thing until I realized once when I thought I was stressed out that it was really...

Mission Statements, Do You Have One?
“If you don’t have your own plan, someone else is going to make you fit into their plan.” –Anthony Robbins

Avoid Burnout With A Healthy Work Life
“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections” ~Unknown 7/30/12...

How Full Is Your Glass Today?
The optimist says the glass is half full. The pessimist says the glass is half empty. The project manager says the glass is twice as...

The Elderly – Good Customer Service Tips
Understanding the Elderly #officemanagement #Customerservicefortheelderly #helpingtheelderly #Theelderly #Practicemanagement...

Making Right Decisions About First Impressions
Although it is important to listen to what someone may be telling you about another it is very important that you try to draw your own...

It’s Sunday Night…"oh tomorrow is Monday."
1. I get prepared mentally on Sunday. “Yes, I am going to work on Monday and I am very fortunate to have a job to go to and great people...

What Could Be Causing Your Stress At Work?
1. Improper or lack of training for your job tasks can be a great stressor. You never know if you are going to get it right or not, so it...

Focus On The Positive When Your On The Roller Coaster of Life
1. Change your focus. When we are faced with trouble times, like sick children, financial issues, personal life struggles or just having...

Enjoying Your Life Peacefully
Enjoy your life at every moment Once a fisherman was sitting near seashore, under the shadow of a tree smoking his beedi. Suddenly a rich...

How to (Potentially) Resolve Big Issues That Make You Want to Quit Your Job
How to (Potentially) Resolve Big Issues That Make You Want to Quit Your Job National Assembly for Wales A user over on StackExchange took...

Attitudes; The Battle of the Wolves
Two Wolves One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is...
The Science of Happiness
Do you ever practice gratitude in your life and at work? "Our bodies are built to care, to be sympathetic… a smile or a compassionate...
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