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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
Lack of Training is Stressful
No matter how hard employers and employees try, there are bound to be stressful situations that come up at work. Being able to work...
It’s Their Fault….The Blame Game
“Don’t find fault, find remedy.” ~ Henry Ford Have you ever worked with a blamer? Or maybe you live with one. This type of personality...
Make Life Easier For Yourself
On Saturday Paul Mark Sutherland had a great post on success rituals that I found was simple and doable. For those who function by...
How To Attract And Keep Customers Coming Back
We all know that the key to a successful business it to be able to attract customers, satisfy them and retain them for future business. ...
Will Employee Conflict Ever End?
What happened this time? You are wondering what you can do to help resolve it so that business can get back to running smoothly. There...
Do You Understand Your Workplace Vision?
Have you ever been part of a team that had talented people on it, but did not seem to go anywhere? If so, it is very possible that the...
The Art Of Learning To Communicate?
What possibly could be so difficult about communicating with another person? Most of the time we think there are very few problems when...
What If You Were The Customer?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a customer coming into your place of business to either purchase something or receive...
Get Prepared!
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” Get your hard hat on and get moving along…… #lifebeginsoutofthezone #experiencelife...
Poor Planning or Not?
According to “Hofstadter’s law” (below) it is a known fact that any task that you are planning will take longer than expected. Now it is...
Mixing Business and Personal Conversations at Work
Recently had a conversation with a colleague who happened to mention to me that their workplace discouraged employees from engaging in...
What If I Don’t Feel Like Going To Work?
As much as I would like to say that I am “Miss Smiley Face” at work everyday, there have been days that I just don’t want to be there. ...
Handling Bad Moods At Work
You just found out the hard way that your boss or co-worker is not in a good mood today. You really thought that your question was a...
Tuesday Thought..
I found this picture and it pretty much sums up the way I have been feeling. There are so many things that we would like to do or...
Boost Your Likeability
I was reading Small Business News, if you have never visited their blog it is a great hub for excellent business articles each day, all...
How Are Your Customers Treated?
Every business depends on customers of some type. Without them they would no longer be in business. It is highly important that...
Are You In Or Out Of Your Zone?
Ahh.. the old comfort zone… The place that we really would prefer to stay because we know it all too well. I was talking to a young lady...
How Stressful Is Your Job?
How would you rate the level of stress at your job? A. Espresso B. Strong coffee C. Regular cup of coffee D. Decaffeinated E. Other...
Difficult Workplaces
Does your place of employment make it easy to work at or difficult? Some businesses actually make so many rules and policies for...
My Manager Needs to…
When I lecture at conferences I have the opportunity to speak with medical staff personnel. The most popular topic that comes up is...
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