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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
Do You Look Like A Professional?
Far too often people in leadership roles do not take the time to examine how they appear to people who they come in contact with. What...
Working With A Miserable Person
I am sure that I am not alone when it comes to having encountered someone who truly seems to fit the saying “misery loves company.” It is...
Negotiating A Raise
When you think it is time for a pay raise what should you do? Maybe your last raise was a year ago and you are under the impression that...
When You Need To Let An Employee Go
Managers have the difficult task of letting team members know when they are not performing up to standards. Even though we know that we...
When It Is Difficult To Smell The Roses
It would be wonderful if our lives were always beautiful and serene like a rose garden. However, life is full of difficulties, which...
Managers Manage Systems, Not People
Many times business owners will become upset because the “manager” has not been able to manage their people as had been expected. Far too...
What Do Your Customers Want?
“I think that a lot of players and a lot of teams do not think of contact lenses as being a part of that essential gear, but it truly is....
Dangers Of Being A Perfectionist At Work
I am working with a client who is having difficulties getting his work done as a manager. As we began to dissect why, it became clear...
The Winds Of Change Will Blow
Yesterday, my daughter sent me a text while she was at work. This was unusual, so I knew that something had to be either really good or...
What Another Meeting?
In Verne Harnish’s book “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits” he states that successful businesses have daily meetings for 5-15 minutes,...
When An Employee Turns Out Bad
Have you ever thought you had hired the right employee for the job only to find out as time went by that this great employee has turned...
Focused Thinking
A few weeks ago I wrote about The One Thing by Gary Keller and how if you can focus enough to get your goal down to “the one thing” and...
Tips For The Writer
I was listening to some older recordings by Jeff Herring “The article guy” and came across some good information for those that write...
Throw-back Thursday
I thought that I would re-post this because I have been working with some employees that are struggling with the feeling that they do not...
Do You Make Things More Complicated?
“Life is actually really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” ~ Confucius Oh yes, the simply life, we all want it and are...
Have You Witnessed Desk Rage?
I had a conversation last week with a manager who is quite stressed by her employer. She likes her job duties and the people she works...
Understanding Your Organizations Weaknesses
“Until we realize, identify and are willing to do something to change our organizations weaknesses we will continue to struggle and not...
Learn From Mistakes
Mistakes are bound to happen, we will never escape them, but…. we must always try to learn from them. #learnfrommistakes...
When Employees Are Struggling
Bill was having a hard time keeping up with his workload. He was starting to feel a stressed out over the situation. He tried to talk...
Is A Name Just A Name?
Yesterday on my lunch hour, I went to the local deli. When I got to the register to order the man behind the counter said, “Hi Tina, I...
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