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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Empowerment Comes From Within
Empowerment is a term regarding a business management style where managers give staff members the power to make certain decisions within...

Lack Of Sleep, Lack Of Productivity
According to a Centers for Disease Control and Preventions survey 40% of Americans get less than the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each...

Set Your Course And Go!
Don’t aim at success – the more you aim at it and make it a target the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot...

Experience Is The Best Teacher
When talking to a young business owner recently she told me that she was frustrated at how hard it was to own a business, run a business...

Clear The Air During A Heated Conversation
When working with a client recently they expressed they were having some difficulty working with a person whom they outsourced some...

A Pleasant Hiring Experience
Hiring new staff members is not one of my favorite things to do. Why? Because it costs money (lots of it), and if you make a wrong...

Hiring? Remember The Happy Factor
When hiring a new person we (the employer/manager) have certain expectations they are to meet, at least in our minds. But does the new...

Make Happy Happen
Last week I stopped by our local pet store to pick up a few things for my Boston Terriers. As I was walking up to the register one of...

When You Ask Better Questions, You Will Get Better Answers
“When you ask better questions, you get better answers. This may seem like common sense, but common sense is rarely common practice. When...

10 Questions For Better Leadership
Running any type of business can be difficult. There are more things to think about and take care of then there are hours in our day. ...

Can You See The Finish Line?
The difference between those that reach their goals and those that do not is often the lack of self-motivation. How can we gain...

Be Kind To Yourself And Have A Plan
Happy New Year! It is that time of year again when many people make commitments for change in their lives. It is estimated that 80% of...

Creating A Habit For Change
Yesterday, I was listening to an interview with John Assaraf and he was talking about creating habits for change that we desire in our...

Working With Good Friends
Many workplaces discourage friendship bonding because they feel that employees will be more interested in talking with their friends...

Changes for Life
Change can be hard, really hard, especially if we are not prepared to make it happen. Listen to this… “90% of heart patients do not stick...

Do You Want To Be Happy?
We hear and read a lot about being more compassionate toward others these days. Compassion is something that can be learned, but only if...

We Work Together, We Are A Team
A common mistake business owners or managers make when bringing together a work team is that all team members will fit together and...

“There is never just one way to look at something – there are always different perspectives, meanings, and perceptions, depending on who...

What Do You Need To Dangle To Motivate Employees?
If you are a business owner or manager and have people who work for your business you have probably ask yourself more than once, “How can...

Creating A Well Functioning Team
Putting together a work team is not an easy task. Just because we use the term “team” it doesn’t necessarily mean that the people in the...
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