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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
But Your Application Said…
Although he was very involved in the interviewing process the upper management did have the final say in which candidate would be hired....
Business Is Great!
The Gardener’s Badge Story A landscape gardener ran a business that had been in the family for two or three generations. The staff was...
Having Fun At Work is Healthy
Here is a fun practice/office management tip that will increase employees spirits and productivity. According to another study by Dr. Lee...
Keeping It Simple At Work
In their anniversary issue of “Spirit” magazine they have an article titled “40 Lessons Learned From Southwest” it covers multiple areas...
Getting To Work On Time
Being chronically late whether it is 3-5 minutes or possibly 10, has a negative reaction not only on your supervisor and/or boss, but...
Dealing With Fear In The Workplace
There is also the issue that certain employees have fears that they bring into the workplace that have nothing to do with what actually...
Becoming A Mentoring Manager
Take for instance the Autocratic management style, not too many people really like working for a dictator, but in some cases with certain...
Employee Engagement
More satisfied employees become engaged, long-term employees. So employee satisfaction needs to be number one on the employer/employee...
Choosing to be an "Value-Added" Employee
The first is our attitude in which we will do our job that day, it can vary throughout the day, but we always have the choice on what it...
Employee Morale, Do You Lift It or Drag It Down?
With continued surveys showing that employee morale is on a steady downward spiral we need to take a good look at what might be causing...
Do You Realize How You Effect Your Co-workers Work?
I was on my lunch hour and of course the post office did have a bit of a line (I expected this as a lot of people try to take care...
Earn Respect During Times Of Conflict
“Respect cannot be bought or learned, it must be earned” It would be great if we always could work with people who our personalities...
Do You Need A Change At Work?
Every now and then we need to take a step back and examine how our business is doing. Are the employees as productive as they should be? ...
"How Should You Tell Employees What To Do"
If issues arise and you need to remind them of their tasks you want to handle it in a manner that shows you mean business, but also you...
Do You Have A Management "Brand"?
Not too long ago she had a blog post titled “What is your management “brand” that I found very interesting because there is so much talk...
What Makes Employees Loyal?
by: Tina Del Buono, PMAC Of course there are many reasons people leave their jobs, but the Gallup Organization has come up with the top...
How Do You Solve Office Issues?
After 16 years of office management I have made my staff realize that I do not have a magic wand, and that many times I alone cannot fix...
Coaching A Winning Team
Being a parent of adult children, I thought about what it would have been like if I would have been a reactive parent as my children were...
Do You Want To Be A Supermanager?
Anyway, getting back to the reason for this post; I purchased the book and read it in two sittings. The book has a great storyline about...
What Are People Saying About You?
This change may have helped some business owners, but if you are one that has large stacks of checks and change to go with it, you now...
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