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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Make A Happy and Healthier Workplace
We all want to stay healthy and there are certain things that we can do to help from spreading of germs while at work. Think about your...

What is Micromanaging all about?
“The more you use your reins the less they’ll use their brains.” ~ The Horse Whisper Eventually many managers will come to the...

Resolving Workplace Conflict
Maybe it is a one time incidence that can be overlooked. But when it becomes a regular occurrence that is upsetting your work world then...

The Difference Between Good and Outstanding Employees
I have had the opportunity to lead multiple office manager workshops where the subject of outstanding employees always seems to be a hot...

When You Feel It Is Time For A Raise
It is good management practice to have a standard pay increase policy that employees are told about when they are hired, eliminating the...

Effective Leadership Standards
What defines a good leader, one that others will want to follow? Leading people is the opposite of controlling them. The business team...

Unsatisfied With Your Job
When she was hired she was led to believe that the company was headed down a road that she was willing to invest in and looked forward to...

The “Be Prepared” Management Style
He said they likened the managers to Samurais (Japanese Soldiers) and that they must always be prepared. He told us that the managers...

Workplace Confrontations
When confrontation in the workplace used to happen I would get very upset and flustered which hindered my communication. I would...

Managers Grow Your Teammates
Why do you think that delegating some of their tasks is such a hard thing to do? Delegation does take time, effort, planning and...

What Is Your Standard Today?
The trick is to catch the change quickly and do what it takes to regroup, redirect and get back on the track that you originally...

Poor Ethical Decision Making
When challenged about ethical standards people can feel backed into a corner and they begin what is called “creative labeling” or making...

What Attracts Customers?
One small town had a main street that tourist buses would drop visitors off at the bottom and they would walk up to the center of town...

The Foundation of Great Employee Training
My sister who was older got to clean the bathrooms, I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to do this “glorious job.” Then the day came...

Lessons From Parenting To Managing
All three of my children were and still are very different and I had to find out what would work with each one. The same holds true with...

Coworkers Getting Personal At Work?
Maintaining good relationships with those you work with is essential in creating a great work environment, but there is that fine line of...

Happiness Is An Attitude
“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.” ~ Francesca...

What Kind Of Ride Are You Giving Your Customers?
When you went to Disneyland way back then, you had to purchase a ticket book which contained tickets lettered from A to E. The higher...

Becoming An Inspiring Manager
He said that he had never heard his manager say anything inspiring to anyone at work that would make them want to do a better job, not...

Handling Favoritism In the Workplace
At a conference that I was lecturing at I happened to walk into the speaker ready room and saw two of my colleagues having a cup of...
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