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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Over Promise and Under Deliver, Failing To Estimate The Time To Complete A Task
A few staff members had a little free time on Tuesday and asked if they should start packing things up to get them ready to move out so...

Motivate Your Employees in 5 Minutes a Week
I am sure your question as was mine, what type of interaction needed to take place in that 5 minutes in order to make a difference to...

No Compromising Standards Here
I want our patients to feel cared for and comfortable. I also want them to know that we are a business with high standards that we will...

How To Help Your Staff Reach Their Expected Goals
The topic of goal achieving is always popping up under “business management” search engine optimization. To be a good manager you not...

What Do You Prescribe For An Unhappy Employee?
What a sad situation, it seems as though this manager does not know “how to tell when an employee is unhappy”. Since I talked to her I...

Your Business Brand Says What?
Take a few minutes today to ponder what your work environment looks like and feels like to others, those you serve, and ask yourself...

Keeping The Gears Of Leadership Oiled
To effectively lead you need to have a clear direction of where you (and your business) are going so that you may take your employees...

When Dealing With Bullies At Work 4/2015 #bulliesatwork #handlingproblemsatworkwithbullys #meancustomers...

Insubordination, how did it go this far?
Terminating Insubordinate Employees #insubordination #angryemployees #officemanagement #practicalmanagementofficemanagementteamwork...

Handling An Emergency At Work, Are You Prepared?
OSHA Emergency Facts Sheet OSHA Office First Aid Plans #Medicalinformation #heartattack #MedicalEmergenciesatwork #OSHA #CPRatwork...

Are Your Employees Proud Of Their Employer?

Need A Shot In The Arm?
The fifth item that this article addresses is “understand the patient” you may think….of course I need to understand the patient, but...

Calculating What Your Time Is Really Worth
Have you ever really evaluated what your time is worth in dollars and cents? You may be quite surprised if you do. It is a fact that...

Management Qualities….Lead Like A Dragon
Think about when your car tires are out of alignment, when you drive it shimmies, shakes and heads to one side of the road instead of...

Self-Evaluation A Key To Being A Better Manager
Self-evaluation is the key to becoming a better office manager, this is not always an easy thing to do because at times we are “so deep...

How To Manage Co-workers That Are Not Pulling Their Load
Do you have co-workers that weigh you and others down by not completing their share of the workload? I know we all have days when we...

Behind On Your Work? It’s Time to Catch Up
Life in our office has been pretty busy to say the least for the past few months, with the challenges of going to a new electronic...

Continued Employee Training Will Increase Your Bottom Line
Is continued employee training worth the investment? This sounds like a no-brainer question with the answer being “of course.” But...

5 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Each Day At Work
1. Do I recognize that my paycheck comes from the customers who come into our business everyday? 2. Do I act like today and everyday is...

Reasons For Losing Your Best Employees
Here are a few of the top 10 reasons that large companies fail to keep their best talent, the link below is to the article in full, which...
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