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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
Reasons For Losing Your Best Employees
Here are a few of the top 10 reasons that large companies fail to keep their best talent, the link below is to the article in full, which...
Changes at Work, What to Keep and What to Change
Southwest Success Factor Creating Customer Surveys 11/2/12 #Customerservice #changeintheworkplace #officemanagement...
Branding; What does your business brand say? 2/18/14 #happycustomers #dirtybusinesses #businessbrand...
What Does Your Card Say? #officemanagement #employees #businessmanagement #marketing #advertising
What Do Your Customer’s Experience Say?
This really made me think about our practice and how we need to put on our stethoscope and take a good listen to the heart of our...
Team Effort, Motivation and Branding
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” ~H.E. Luccock Below is a link to the Management Craft blog...
Your Patients Deserve An “E” Ticket Ride
One of my office mottos is “Our patients deserve an “E” ticket ride when they walk through our door.” For those of us over the age of 40...
Ways to Drive Patients to Your Practice
Standards for Infection Control in the Office
Below are a few good articles that may have the answers that you need to keeping standards up-to-date in your office to protect you and...
Marketing Your Practice in Your Own Backyard
Marketing your practice can be done in multiple ways. Today with the economy as it is we are all trying not to spend extra money where...
Being Ready to Meet Customer Needs
I anticipated what they were going to need and was ready to deliver as the need arose. It is basically the same with our customers, not...
Is Marketing Worth The Gamble?
It is always hard to spend money when the return is unsure. But if you never try spending some on marketing your business how will you...
Social Media and the Small Business
If you are of my generation you may just be getting into this social media networking idea. It can be mind-boggling if you don’t...
Customer Satisfaction vs Retention
Whether you have a store front or a medical practice with a front office, customer/patient retention is the key to your success. Lisa...
Is Your Business Card Working for You?
Marketing Material Mistakes
Marketing your practice is a serious business, a simple mistake could be costly to you in more ways than one. When designing marketing...
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