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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

How Many Employees Is Enough?
When consulting with clients I am often asked “do I have the right number of employees?” I wish that there was a simple answer to this...

How To Hire The Best Employee For The Job
Recently in my consulting business I have been reviewing resumes and interviewing prospective employee candidates for medical offices....

How Do Others View You?
One of my job tasks is taking the deposits to the bank. I find that this task is time consuming and I feel that my time could be better...

An Apology To Save Your Customers
If you serve customers or clients you are in the service industry and understand that 100% satisfaction is the goal to aim for when...

It’s Their Fault….The Blame Game
“Don’t find fault, find remedy.” ~ Henry Ford Have you ever worked with a blamer? Or maybe you live with one. This type of personality...

What If You Were The Customer?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a customer coming into your place of business to either purchase something or receive...

Seeking Employee Opinions
Having worked in a management position for almost two decades I have had the opportunity to learn and grow right along with my...

Too Many Office Policies “What a Scary Thought!”
How do you create operational policies that everyone will be willing to follow? Many offices that I have worked with have had an office...

Mixing Business and Personal Conversations at Work
Recently had a conversation with a colleague who happened to mention to me that their workplace discouraged employees from engaging in...

How Are Your Customers Treated?
Every business depends on customers of some type. Without them they would no longer be in business. It is highly important that...

Called to Leadership?
Yesterday Trevor Nagle, ABD, on his blog Leadership Musings of a Skeptical Positivist, had a great article regarding leadership. (I have...

Difficult Workplaces
Does your place of employment make it easy to work at or difficult? Some businesses actually make so many rules and policies for...

My Manager Needs to…
When I lecture at conferences I have the opportunity to speak with medical staff personnel. The most popular topic that comes up is...

The Necessity of a Good Job Description
Are job descriptions necessary? This is a good question, and for many places of business none exist. How many jobs can you think of that...

An Example of Hiring For Attitude, Training for Skill
By Greg Blencoe The first principle in The Supermanager is to surround yourself with high-quality...

Replacing "I’m busy" with…
By Greg Blencoe: “I’m busy.” If you ask somebody at work how they are doing, you will likely get this...

Connecting With Those We Work With
“The more high technology is around us, the more the need for human touch.” With the advancement of technology we have seen the decrease...

Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
When you look at the Hall of Fame of the business gurus you cannot overlook Sam Walton and the many pearls he left behind for us to glean...

Sometimes You Need To “Burn the Ships”
Last week my blog posts were about an office managers workshop that I presented at. The material that I used for the workshop was based...

Questionable Integrity In The Workplace
The final of the top five things as to why managers do not like some employees that they is that they have “Questionable Integrity.” At...
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