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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Accountability Failure
Recently, at a conference I was talking with some office managers and the issue of employee accountability kept coming up. It seemed as...

Training For Success
Training employees can be a daunting task, especially if you do not have a training program in place. In order for employees to be...

Highly Emotional Employees
Working with people who are highly emotional can not only be difficult, it can be quite draining. They wear their emotions on their...

Getting Distracted
In today’s world we have many devices or apps to keep us organized, in touch, and on track. If we are honest with ourselves many times...

Keeping A Below Standard Employee
When speaking with a group of managers recently, I asked what were their top employee issues. I was very surprised that many of these...

How To Manage People
The best way to manage people is not to manage them, but to manage systems. Once you know what the expectations are of you, the manager,...

Tell The Truth Always
You will never go wrong by telling what is right. Your reputation is based on your integrity and the ability for those you come in...

Don’t Bring Your Baggage To Work
How do you keep employees from bringing their outside life “baggage” into the workplace? This is such a common and often asked question...

Providing Average Customer Service
We are all customers of some type of consumer business and as a customer we should try to be as understanding as possible when we...

She Won’t Look Me In The Eye
I asked her if she had talked to her employee about this and she had not. She said that she did not want to put her on the defense since...

Goal Challenges
Goal achievement can be a challenge due to the difficulty of staying on track until the end. One way to help with this issue is to begin...

Tips On Personal Communication
One of the best tips for good communication is to “listen more than you talk.” Too many times when people are speaking the listener...

Define Your Mission
In my work, I will often talk with people who are struggling with the ability to move forward with their goals in life. The number one...

What Is Your Company’s Personality?
The culture of your company leaves a fingerprint on your customers. Your culture is unique only to your company and those that work...

When Employees Are Upset
While at an airport restaurant this weekend I happened to overhear a conversation between two employees that were less than satisfied...

Other’s Ideas At Work
At a conference last weekend I was speaking with a few office managers on the topic of being open to the ideas of staff members when they...

Let’s Show Respect
Being respectful of others is one of the best qualities one can have. Generally an individual who respects others is respected in...

What Do Your Customers See When You Talk?
According to communication experts, the words we speak or hear are only part of the way we communicate with one another. These experts...

How To Respect Not Nice Or Difficult Coworkers
Do you respect all of your coworkers? Do they feel that you respect them? I know these may seem like ridiculous questions, but for many...

The Condescending Coworker
On a recent trip, my Aunt and I were eating in a restaurant where a young relative of ours was working. Also working in this restaurant...
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