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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Clear Questions for Better Answers
Most often this does not happen because of how we try to get the information from others in the first place. For example, you want to...

Missing the Mark With Your Employees
1. Businesses grow and change, strategies change. 2. Employees become more experienced and their duties change. 3. As technology...

Looking For Problems To Solve
Ask those that work with you to put on their thinking caps and take a look around at what you are currently doing that you might be able...

Employee Discipline Policies
The ramifications of not dealing with employee discipline issues are endless. The article below gives examples that can be used to set up...

Can You See The Goal?
“Shorten the time between the idea and the implementation.” ~ Dan Kennedy I was really excited to be there and the beauty of the views...

Examine Your Management Skills
Recently Joel posted an article title “What’s a good manager worth” which caused me to take a good look at myself, my management skills...

What Are Your Employees Thinking?
Do they get excited about what they do and who they do it for? Keeping employees actively engaged and happy at work can be a...

The Lesson To Be Learned
I was reading a blog post on leadership and decided that to print it off for future reference. When I clicked the print button my...

Do You Need Change?
“Always continue to strive to better your service to your customers, you will not regret it.” ~T.C. Totaro But what if your place of...

Called To Coach And Lead The Team
That may sound pretty harsh, but let’s think it through before making any critical judgments. The “manager” works under someone, perhaps...

Great Customer Service Requires That You Be There
“Right now a moment of time is passing by….we must become that moment.” ~ Paul Cezanne You may be there physically, but what about being...

Appearance Does Influence Impressions
I had the wonderful opportunity to speak to a group of Medical office managers and Assistants a few years back in London, Ontario. It...

Make A Happy and Healthier Workplace
We all want to stay healthy and there are certain things that we can do to help from spreading of germs while at work. Think about your...

The Difference Between Good and Outstanding Employees
I have had the opportunity to lead multiple office manager workshops where the subject of outstanding employees always seems to be a hot...

When You Feel It Is Time For A Raise
It is good management practice to have a standard pay increase policy that employees are told about when they are hired, eliminating the...

The “Be Prepared” Management Style
He said they likened the managers to Samurais (Japanese Soldiers) and that they must always be prepared. He told us that the managers...

Workplace Confrontations
When confrontation in the workplace used to happen I would get very upset and flustered which hindered my communication. I would...

Managers Grow Your Teammates
Why do you think that delegating some of their tasks is such a hard thing to do? Delegation does take time, effort, planning and...

Poor Ethical Decision Making
When challenged about ethical standards people can feel backed into a corner and they begin what is called “creative labeling” or making...

Small Change Big Reaction
Making a special trip to the office supply store he was excited about picking out items that he thought would make the staff work more...
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