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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Does Your Team Know It’s Purpose?
When working with a group of people it can be difficult to get everyone on the same boat and rowing in the same direction at the same...

How Do You Hire Super-Stars?
I’m not sure if there are many employers or managers who really like looking for new employees. I know we want to hire great people who...

Four Must Have Factors For Great Managers
Are you a manager or a business owner who has a manager? How are things going as far as managing the team and moving the business in the...

7 Ways We Tune Out On Conversations
The way we communicate with others can either make or break the relationship or encounter we are having with them. I’m sure you have had...

10 Ways Germs Are Passed At Work
We need to work so we all want to stay healthy, especially during this time of bad flus and viruses. There are certain way that we can...

Its Huddle Time
Morning huddles with your team are a great way to start your day! Top Practices Virtual Practice Management...

“There is never just one way to look at something – there are always different perspectives, meanings, and perceptions, depending on who...

What Are You Waiting For?
What are you waiting for? Life is short and no one is promised tomorrow. Lewis Howes School Of Greatness #whatareyouwaitingfor...

Nine Key Ingredients For A Successful Work Team
Many times clients will tell me how hard it is to get their people to become a functional team. I have found that in many cases managers...

When Being The Nice Guy Backfires
Most managers what to have good relationships with their staff and go the extra mile for them by being the “nice guy”. But not always...

Is There A Simple Life?
The simple life, we all want it and are envious of those who seem to have it. If you notice the word “seem” this is what can fool us as...

When You Think It Is Time For A Raise
What do you do when you think it is time for you to receive a pay raise? Maybe your last raise was a year ago and you are under the...

Improving Your Productivity, It Is Up To You
The technology we have at our fingertips we can be used to become more efficient, but it also allows us easy access to a world of...

There Is No Service Like Excellent Service
Last week I wrote about the “less than good” customer service I received from a couple of hotels I stayed in on a recent trip. Today, I...

When Poor Service Is Delivered
Good Morning to you all! I just returned from a business trip to Italy, my favorite country to visit. Traveling, no matter how far, is...

Being A Slacker At Work
Have you ever “slacked off” with your job duties? You know, not really doing what is expected of you? If we were honest with ourselves,...

What Are The Rules?
At a recent meeting I was talking with a couple of office managers and the topic of employee policy manuals came up. I asked them if...

What Is Wrong With My Employee?
It often happens when an employer or manager notices that an employee has a change in work behavior they fail to address it, hoping it...

Great Leaders Are Persistent
Persistence is a quality of all great leaders. If they were not persistent no one would want to follow them. Humans want a leader they...

Blowing Problems Out Of Proportion
Problems are always going to happen. Many times when they do happen we will put the problem under a microscope and magnify it to make it...
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