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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
Do You Understand Your Workplace Vision?
Have you ever been part of a team that had talented people on it, but did not seem to go anywhere? If so, it is very possible that the...
Get Prepared!
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” Get your hard hat on and get moving along…… #lifebeginsoutofthezone #experiencelife...
Are You A Team Player?
Team Player: “One who unites others toward a shared destiny through sharing information and ideas, empowering others and developing...
What If I Don’t Feel Like Going To Work?
As much as I would like to say that I am “Miss Smiley Face” at work everyday, there have been days that I just don’t want to be there. ...
Share Kindness Today
“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see” ~ Mark Twain Nothing more needs to be said. Below is a link to...
Tuesday Thought..
I found this picture and it pretty much sums up the way I have been feeling. There are so many things that we would like to do or...
How To Start The Week Out Right
For me Sunday evenings are saved for thoughts of the week to come. I like to think about what I have on my calendar and prepare myself...
Always Be You
I love this quote by “Ken Blanchard” We each are unique in our own way. At times we think that others should see, think and feel as we...
How To Be The Best You Can Be
As Nike says….Just Do It! #howtobethebestyou #practicemakeperfect #Howtobeabettermanager #strivingforthebest #howtobeagreatcoworker...
Are You In Or Out Of Your Zone?
Ahh.. the old comfort zone… The place that we really would prefer to stay because we know it all too well. I was talking to a young lady...
Are Your Goals Stuck?
Many times we have the desire to achieve something, but for one reason or another it seems like we never get to it. It just seems to sit...
Employee Appreciation Day, Backfired…
As I boarded the Airporter bus, on the way home from my trip, several airport employees were also boarding the bus heading home after a...
Friday’s Thoughtful Thought…
We hear the saying “be careful for what you wish for” but what about “be careful what your thoughts dwell on?” We can become toxic with...
Do You Have A Shift Moment?
It is amazing that when you pursue a dream, passion, or goal and complete it that makes you feel a bit closer to becoming who you want to...
Keep Asking The Question
While on our trip, we often (every day) would remark to each other about how fortunate we were to be having the experience of going to...
Try Something New
Happy Monday to all of you! It is good to be home and back into my regular routine after three weeks abroad. I would like to give a...
Who are “they”?
By Attila Ovari Today I overheard a conversation people two people and during the conversation one of the people referred to “they” when...
Beyond the Familiar…
Good Morning from Montepulciano, Italy. Today I would like to introduce you to a blogging friend, Attila Ovari. Attila lives in...
Lunch with Employees as a Mini-Retreat
By Greg Blencoe In office environments, the day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month routine can at...
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