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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Building Relationships That Grow Your Business
We each go to work everyday for many different reasons, I hope one of them is that you really enjoy what you do each day enough to look...

Customer Service, What is Their Perceived Value?
As I sat in my office I thought wow…is this all the patient really thought of his visit? Didn’t he realize that the doctor was...

Procrastination Can Ruin Your Career
Procrastination is one of the most crippling diseases of productivity and it can ruin your career. Many people do not even know why they...

Becoming A Mentoring Manager
Take for instance the Autocratic management style, not too many people really like working for a dictator, but in some cases with certain...

Choosing to be an "Value-Added" Employee
The first is our attitude in which we will do our job that day, it can vary throughout the day, but we always have the choice on what it...

Managing People With Better Questions
Recently I was looking to  purchased a new car and wanted to make sure that all of the questions I had would be answered correctly to my...

Do You Realize How You Effect Your Co-workers Work?
I was on my lunch hour and of course the post office did have a bit of a line (I expected this as a lot of people try to take care...

What Does Your Management Style Call You?
Right before one of my lectures I was talking with some attendees who also managed medical practices and one of them said “that she felt...

Improve Your Communication Skills With Eye Contact 8/5/14 #communicationskills #connecting #eyecontact #improvelistening

When Dealing With Bullies At Work 4/2015 #bulliesatwork #handlingproblemsatworkwithbullys #meancustomers...

Handling An Emergency At Work, Are You Prepared?
OSHA Emergency Facts Sheet OSHA Office First Aid Plans #Medicalinformation #heartattack #MedicalEmergenciesatwork #OSHA #CPRatwork...

Start Your Day Off On The Right Foot
1. Greet them with a smile 2. Say good morning or afternoon 3. Help them with caring kindness 4. Appreciate them being there 5. Listen to...

What do you do with sour lemons at work?
1. Remain calm, now this can be hard especially if you are taken by surprise. By remaining calm you are defusing any escalation of the...

Poor Customer Service, When You Are Short-Handed
As the afternoon went on I kept reflecting on this lunch scene and wondered If our office ever looked that chaotic when we were...

Customer Value Equals Customer Satisfaction
In our place of business we have found three key ingredients to keeping our customers happy and coming back and also winning their...

7 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Practice
"What you get by achieving your goals is as important as what you become by achieving your goals." Henry David Thoreau By: Jesus C....

Behind On Your Work? It’s Time to Catch Up
Life in our office has been pretty busy to say the least for the past few months, with the challenges of going to a new electronic...

When Confronting Your Boss Use Caution
Have you ever been so frustrated with situation at work that involved your boss that you felt you needed to confront them? How did that...

5 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Each Day At Work
1. Do I recognize that my paycheck comes from the customers who come into our business everyday? 2. Do I act like today and everyday is...

3 Key Steps To Moving Forward When Set-backs Happen at Work
1. Why am I/we frustrated today? List all of the specifics that you can as to why you feel like you do. 2. What, if anything, can be...
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