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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Work Ethic Lesson Learned From My Mother
“I posted this blog several years ago and was reminded of the lesson I learned from my mother as I began training a new employee last...

I’m So Tired….
#goodhealth #beingtired #sleepdepravation #getmoresleep #sleepeffectsyourwork #goodsleephabits #goals #helpsleepdisorders #needsleepmore

Conflict Can Equal Progress In The Workplace
Conflict is bound to happen at work, but there are advantages of it. Without it, nothing would change. If you are dissatisfied with how...

What do you mean there is no “I” in Team?
What do you mean there is no “I” in Team? We often hear the phrase, “There is no I in Team.” What does this mean? I think the implication...

Scatter Kindness Today
Happy Monday to you all! What better way to start your week off than by making the encounters you have today awesome for those you meet?...

Improving Your Productivity, It Is Up To You
The technology we have at our fingertips we can be used to become more efficient, but it also allows us easy access to a world of...

Practices of Successful Workplaces
Peter Drucker has been called by many “The inventor of Modern Management.” He has written multiple books on the topic and believed it was...

Helping Employees: Do you? Or Don’t You?
When any of my staff members come to me with a problem my gut instinct is to immediately help them fix it. (Make things easier for them)....

It Takes Forever To Build A Team
Team building is no easy task and there is no overnight solution to creating an excellent performing team. Whether your team is two or...

Employee Value
When working with small business owners and their managers I often will hear that they struggle with getting their staff to really own...

What Are The Rules?
At a recent meeting I was talking with a couple of office managers and the topic of employee policy manuals came up. I asked them if...

Do You Avoid Difficult Conversations?
I don’t think I am much different from any other manager when it comes to having a difficult conversation with a staff member. When it...

Addressing Poor Performance At Work
Most of us have had a day when our work performance has been less than our best, but this is a rarity not the norm. As a manager or...

Think Time Equals A Creative Mind
I’m always impressed when I meet curious people. They ask questions and have a true interest in how or why things are the way they are....

Let Us Count Our Blessings
I originally wrote and posted this blog four years ago. I think it is worth reposting. Let us all count our blessings daily. Tina...

Team Effort Pays Off
When a group of people working together realize that it is their combined knowledge and effort that makes the difference, they then are...

How To Manage People
The best way to manage people is not to manage them, but to manage systems. Once you know what the expectations are of you, the manager,...

There Are Advantages To Conflict
Conflict in itself is neither good nor bad, it is just conflict. It is how people handle the conflict that will determine if it leads to...

Why Kindness Works
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of...

Do They Hear You?
It is so very important for managers or team leaders to evaluate how they present, speak, and write things when communicating to their...
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