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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

What Matters Most?
In talking with small business owners and office managers I find they often struggle with employee issues that get in the way of...

Maybe It’s About The Story…
Sing praises to the beginning of another week! Life is certainly interesting I am sure you agree. One day we can be happy and looking...

It’s Monday, do you have your smile on?
Happy Monday to all of you. It is hard to understand why people get so upset about this day of the week. I know that for many, myself...

Happiness Is A Choice
Last week I had a coaching call with clients on the topic of “Making Your Workplace A Happy Place.” So often we forget to look for the...

The Comfort Zone
I have this quote above my kitchen sink so I can see it several times a day. It serves as a reminder to me that I can choose to take each...

No Time For Drama
I will give this an Amen! (no drama, no drama, no drama) #notimefordrama #Nodrama #stayfocused #getridofdrama #meaningfulgoals...

You Can Bring The Joy!
Motivational speaker and teacher, Brendon Burchard, always is talking about the need for us to “Bring the Joy” to each situation. It is...

Four Leadership Attributes
What inspires employees to do their best? I think there are many things, but one is to be lead by someone who is doing their best and...

The Pain Of Discipline
Self-discipline is the cornerstone of a healthy life. Like you, I want to get better at it every day. There are several things that you...

Holiday Tips For Less Stress
How did the Holiday Season sneak up on us so quickly this year? With only 12 shopping days left until Christmas Eve I have found myself...

Leaders Lead, Leaders Continue To Learn
The Forbes online site has a great article titled Leadership Is About Emotion. It does not matter where your leadership role is, at...

In Pursuit of Continual Growth
It is a rainy, blustery day here in Sonoma County. As I sit and look out of my home office window I am reminded again of continual...

Don’t Get Stuck Become An Outlier
Far too often we will just stay stuck in a bad situation and do not think outside the box for solutions. We need to become an “outlier...

Fear Is A Powerful Emotion
Fear is a powerful emotion. It can totally stop you from pursuing dreams, desires, or even from riding a roller coaster. For some, fear...

What Kindness Can You Do?
Happy Friday! It is the end of the work week for many and they are tired and drained. Take the Friday challenge and bring a little joy to...

Lessons Learned From A Fire
Hello, I have been MIA for almost two weeks now due to a horrific event that happened in my city of Santa Rosa in Sonoma California on...

Leaders Show The Way
Often, people feel they cannot be a leader unless someone gives them the title. This simply is not true. If you believe you are called...

How To Improve Your Relationships
I was watching a video this week of Brendon Burchard’s and he was talking about the importance of scoring the roles you play every week...

Thursday’s Tip For Success!
How do you go from knowledge to action? We often find this step difficult and then we stop and fail to achieve what we really desire....

Are you becoming your best self?
Just when I have achieved one of my goals and think I can take it easy, I realize that I still have a long way to go. Becoming our best...
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