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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Happiness Can Be Your Choice…
We have the choice to choose how we will live each day. Even though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, how we do it...

Friday Thought…
#dowhatisrightalways #peoplewillgatherwherethereisthetruth #givebacktoothers #behonest #respectothers #standingalone #Havevirtue

Passing Along Compliments
Every time we have a personal or professional encounter with someone we have the opportunity to make an impression on them about who we...

It’s Monday!
It’s Monday, not all people feel about their job like Mike here does. Some of you may not like your workplace at all, but you need the...

An Art To Living
Conrad Hilton, the founder of the Hilton Hotels knows both poverty and glamour. Hilton grew up in New Mexico in the same primitive adobe...

Winning The Wise Way
Today I am going to talk about another “big winner” who has been successful in establishing a large business based on ethics, integrity,...

Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
When you look at the Hall of Fame of the business gurus you cannot overlook Sam Walton and the many pearls he left behind for us to glean...

Beautiful Pictures Can Be Made
“Each of us has our own unique beauty. Together we can create an amazing picture.” ~ T.C. Totaro #lifeimprovement #happiness...

Benefits of Self-Discipline
In today’s world we have many devices to keep us organized, in touch, and on track. If we are honest with ourselves many of us allow...

Make Me Think Friday…
As I was surfing the internet looking for interesting stories I came upon a blog called Marc and Angel Hack Life. They had a post that...

Friday Fun
Life cannot always be fun and games. But when it can, we need to go for the gusto! These are my families’ Boston Terriers celebrating...

Adding Value To Your Job
Do you do your job the best that it can be done? Only you can add value to what you do. You can add value by doing more than is...

Today is the Day!
There is only one you and you were created to do amazing things. Things that only you know you are to do. Do not waste a moment, take...

Attitude, Self-Awareness
We have all heard the saying “you choose your attitude” and know that it is true, even though there are times that we would like not to....

Top 10 Employee Rewards
Whether you are a business owner, supervisor, or manager there is one thing that you all should clearly understand very well; to...

Do You Think of Success or Failure?
The book “Think and Grow Rich” has been the number one selling book of the century on personal wealth (whatever that means to you) and...

Independence Day
Today is Independence Day here in the U.S., commonly known as the 4th of July. It is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the...

The Power of Praise
Most of you have either read or heard of the book the “One Minute Manager” by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson. This was one of the...

Persistence is the Key
I recently read a story about a speech that Winston Churchill gave in his later years at an English prep school. Apparently, the...

Develop Charisma
People are naturally drawn to someone who has “Charisma.” In John Maxwell’s book “Be A People Person” he states the key to developing...
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