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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Don’t Let Others Discourage You
This little story confirms the fact that when you have a goal, dream, passion or desire to do something, do it. Don’t listen to others...

The Law Of The Garbage Truck
This is a great little story, one that you can remember easily and share with others when they need to hear it. The Law of The Garbage...

Qualities Of A Great Leader
I found a great article on the Forbes site titled 10 qualities that make a great leader, I really enjoyed reading it. It listed the 10...

Can You Make Them Feel Good?
What is not seen much are topics for leaders and managers about showing their employees the importance of passing praise and compliments...

Saturday Thought…..
“We don’t have an eternity to realize our dreams, only the time we are here.” ~Susan Taylor #followyourdreams #liveyourdream...

Beating The Monday Blues..
The weekend has passed quickly and tomorrow is Monday. If you began to seek for your happy Monday thought now you will be one step ahead...

You’ve Been Given A Gift
#lifeistooshort #liveeachdayasifitwereyourlast #lovelife #youvebeengivenagift

Look For The Nows…
One of my favorite things to do with my husband is to take drives in his convertible to the ocean or through beautiful Sonoma County Wine...

Choosing A Bad Attitude
I came across this picture and quote and could not resist posting it. It is amazing what we can or cannot accomplish just because of the...

Whats Your Next Move?
We tend to be our worse enemy when it comes to reaching for our wildest dreams. We stop them in the thought process and never even try. ...

Are You An Empowered Person?
Earlier this month on Kristin Barton Cuthriell’s blog, The Snowball Effect she wrote about things that empowered people refuse to do. I...

Accountability Works…
The Ancient Romans had a tradition; whenever one of their engineers constructed an arch, as the capstone was hoisted into place, the...

Leadership Lessons From Presidents
In honor of President’s Day I thought I would take a walk back in U.S. history and reflect on some of the examples of leadership that a...

Extend The Love!
Today is Valentine’s Day, a day reserved for lovers, family and friends. I would like to challenge you to step outside of this reserved...

Don’t Look Back
“Life is not about looking back and wishing that today is the same with the past. Life is about moving on, accepting changes and looking...

Becoming A Responsible Person
Happy Monday! I want to start the week out with the challenge of becoming 100 percent responsible for yourself. Most people when asked...

Power-Boosting Your Week
I feel the same way most of you do about Sunday evenings, the weekend was just too short and there is so much more that I wanted to...

Find Today’s Happy Thought
At times it is hard to see the “happy” in the day, as there are days when none can seem to be found. If you look real hard, no matter...

Do You Hate Your Job?
Stuart Young has written a new book titled Do You Hate Your Job? The link will take you directly to his blog with information about his...

Capture Each Moment
Wishing all of you an excellent Friday and a wonderful weekend. Life is to enjoy… don’t let a minute slip by! #dontlettimeslipby...
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