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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

When You Cannot Reach Your Goals
Being optimistic as we develop and set out to achieve our goals increases our chance of achieving them. Â When the going gets tough a...

Sunday Thought…. Do you remember?
The influence of others on our life is amazingly, amazing and can be suffocating. Â I have met people who have told me that they are not...

Making Mistakes
Still trying to figure out what you want to do in life? Â The article below will give you some good tips on how to begin. What Do You Want...

Reversing Negative Momentum
On Wednesday I wrote about defining successful and how this is an individual experience.  Even though each person needs to define what...

Hitting Your Target
I love this quote by Steve Jobs. Â We can change more than we realize. Â If you have something you feel deep down in your core being that...

Define Successful….
Last week I went into our local Subway Sandwich store to pick up breakfast sandwiches for the office team. Â It was early in the morning...

Are You Stuck In A Rut?
We all have experienced a time, maybe a few, when we have gotten stuck in a rut. Â We feel down, maybe sorry for ourselves, and just...

How Can Employees Produce More?
With so many different aspects to managing a business, managers and business owners have a hard time knowing what should come first in...

Can You Find Passion At A Job You Hate?
The time you spend at your work may be the least favorite part of your day, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.  If you are working a...

You Only Live Once, Have No Regrets..
Bronnie Ware, a palliative hospice nurse, wrote a book on her observations of the dying patients she took care of. Â The title of the book...

Sunday Thought…… What if:
#Whatif #giveadvice #whatwillyoupasson #livelifewithpurpose #provokingthought

Facing Adversity
“You don’t develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging...

Losing Your Creativity
Creativity emerges from asking questions, from inquiring why certain procedures are followed, how things work or why they do not, and in...

Sunday Evening Thought…..
I love knowing that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it. Â We can have a fresh start each and everyday, it is all about choices!...

Sunday Thought…..
Get Ready For Monday………. You Can Do It!!!!! #succeed #Setyoulifeonfire #Mondayblues #goalachievement #reachyourgoals #setyourgoals

You Can’t Quit
Whether you want to accomplish something in your personal or professional life, you will always come across roadblocks along the way. ...

What Price Are You Willing To Pay?
What one simple, single, easy-to-do activity can you do, day in and day out, that will have the greatest impact on your health; your...

Sunday Thought…
I like this one…. We must practice it everyday! #cheapmedicine #laugheveryday #laughterismedicine #makesomeonehappy

Enjoy Today…
There is just something about the fact that it is Friday. Â You feel a bit lighter, there is a spring in our step possibly a bit of...
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