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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
You Can Bring The Joy!
Motivational speaker and teacher, Brendon Burchard, always is talking about the need for us to “Bring the Joy” to each situation. It is...
When Judgmental People Speak
Yesterday my blog was about one of the “7 Deadly Sins of Speaking” that Julian Treasure speaks of in his TED talk (see link below). The...
Why Don’t People Listen? The Gossiper
This week we are going to look at why people do not want to listen to others and the effects it can have in the workplace.. Julian...
Your Creative Genius
Today during my morning workout I watched the Ted video below. The presenter is Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love. In...
So…What’s it like to be a father?
To all of you father’s you understand how much time it takes to be a Dad and are not only willing to do it each day, but love doing it...
Workplace Refrigerator Etiquette
Sharing a refrigerator at work can have its drawbacks. This cute video serves as a reminder that you should only eat what is yours in...
Get Inspired!
Randy Pausch (1960-2008) is one of my most favorite people who lived. I have learned so many life lessons from his “Last Lecture” book....
Life Is Too Short Not To Experience Greatness!
Go for the gusto! Reach for the stars or whatever you think will take you to the place of passion and peace in your life. Each day...
Pay It Forward
What a touching video. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone would “pay it forward” every now and then? 09/16/14...
How To Change Your Life
“Live out your imagination, not your history” ~ Stephen Covey Motivation comes from within, we can not motivate others and others cannot...
Need Help In Planning Your Day?
To do list or not to do list….what is a good way to plan your day. You make your list and set out to get all of the items checked off...
It Is All About The Words You Choose
The video below reminds me of a lecture that I attended a year ago given by Jesus Vazquez, PMAC, who also writes for this blog. The title...
Branding Yourself #beingsucessfulatwork #marketingyourself #marketingemployees #Brandingyourself #HarryBeckwith
Sunday Afternoon Thought….
As we get ready for the new work week ahead of us let us not forget to be thankful for the jobs we have to go to. "Gratitude is the...
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