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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Life’s Setbacks
Wouldn’t it be great if things always went according to “our” plans? One of my colleagues calls setbacks “stink bombs” and says “that you...

Facing Death’s Door
We have the choice to choose how we will live each day. When things are bad, we still have the choice of how we will live through the...

Want To Be More Productive?
For the past few days I did not have any new blog posts. The reason for this was my husband and I were spending quality time with family...

A Long Life Has Nothing To Do With Happiness
I was reading an article on the Tiny Budda site (link below) about living life to its fullest and the following sentence really jumped...

Take Inventory Of Your Priorities
With the busy lives we live it is so easy to miss the little things that make life wonderful. We get home after a long day of work only...

Today Happens Once
Happy Friday! Another week full of memories and stories to add to our life book. With every person we encounter each day we are not only...

Happy Workplace, Happy Employees, Happy Customers
Where do you draw the line when it comes to the responsibility of providing workplace happiness? While there is much proof that...

One Of Life’s Greatest Pleasures
“Giving whether it be of time, labor, affection, advice, gifts, or whatever, is one of life’s greatest pleasures.” ~Rebecca Russell This...

There Is Always Something…
“Gratitude means to recognize the good in your life, be thankful for whatever you have, some people may not even have one of those things...

Stress With Goal Planning
Yesterday, as I was working on my 2016 goals and commitments I noticed that I was becoming a little stressed, okay maybe a lot stressed....

Focus On The Future
“Life is not about looking back and wishing that today is the same with the past. Life is about moving on, accepting changes and looking...

Creating Your Happy Thought List
For many the Holiday Season can be very difficult for one reason or another. This year I personally know a couple of families that have...

What Do You Choose?
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~...

Are You A Perfectionist?
I like getting things done and I like to do them correctly. Many, many years ago I strived to do things perfectly, not to my...

Tips For Celebrating Holidays In The Office
Many workplaces really get into the Holiday festivities with parties, gift giving and a variety of celebrations. While this is fine it is...

Feeling Down Lately?
Have you noticed a change in your mood or maybe a coworker’s mood since the time change? Maybe you or they seem sad, grumpy or...

Wednesday Wisdom
“The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.” ~ Leo Tolstoy (War and Peace) #wisdom #patienceisanart...

Take Time To Enjoy Life
How did the Holiday Season sneak up on us so quickly this year? Thanksgiving is next Thursday in the U.S. and Christmas is just behind...

Take A Few Moments To Be Thankful
Have you ever wondered what the ratio is between complaining and being thankful? It seems like I hear more complaints from the people I...

Are You Having Fun At Work?
I think most people love having fun, it makes us feel great and uplifted. There have been many studies done to prove that humor is very...
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