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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Take Time To Care
With the hustle and busyness of our day-to-day lives we can so easily forget to take time to care for others. I know for myself that...

Perfectionism Is It Good Or Bad?
Recently, I had the opportunity to work with a client who really suffered from “Perfectionism.” We all like to do a good job and do it...

Living A Meaningful Life
Living a meaningful life in every moment sounds difficult, but in reality we are living in each moment anyway. How hard is it to make...

I’m So Tired….
#goodhealth #beingtired #sleepdepravation #getmoresleep #sleepeffectsyourwork #goodsleephabits #goals #helpsleepdisorders #needsleepmore

Are You Headed For Burnout?
Often we hear the expression “That you need to have passion for your work.” That sounds absolutely wonderful, but it is important to...

Think Happy Thoughts
“Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are. It could be so much worse.” ~ Unknown (Boy, I really needed to...

Amplifying The Great
Far too often we focus on our short-comings and this can lead to dissatisfaction and unfulfillment in our life. Not that we shouldn’t...

In A Rut?
I will give this an Amen! #DeanGraziosi #howtogetapositiveattitude #anythingispossible #lovelife #positiveattitude #youcandoit #Inarut...

Maybe It’s About The Story…
Sing praises to the beginning of another week! Life is certainly interesting I am sure you agree. One day we can be happy and looking...

Scatter Kindness Today
Happy Monday to you all! What better way to start your week off than by making the encounters you have today awesome for those you meet?...

It’s Monday, do you have your smile on?
Happy Monday to all of you. It is hard to understand why people get so upset about this day of the week. I know that for many, myself...

You Can Bring The Joy!
Motivational speaker and teacher, Brendon Burchard, always is talking about the need for us to “Bring the Joy” to each situation. It is...

The Pain Of Discipline
Self-discipline is the cornerstone of a healthy life. Like you, I want to get better at it every day. There are several things that you...

Holiday Tips For Less Stress
How did the Holiday Season sneak up on us so quickly this year? With only 12 shopping days left until Christmas Eve I have found myself...

You Are Responsible For Your Energy
It is very easy for us to blame situations, and others for how we are feeling. We know that how we feel translates into what we project...

Planning Ahead Makes For A Better Day
I don’t know about you, but I am a person who likes “routines.” I like knowing what I will be doing each morning and a timeline to do it...

Fear Is A Powerful Emotion
Fear is a powerful emotion. It can totally stop you from pursuing dreams, desires, or even from riding a roller coaster. For some, fear...

What Kindness Can You Do?
Happy Friday! It is the end of the work week for many and they are tired and drained. Take the Friday challenge and bring a little joy to...

How To Improve Your Relationships
I was watching a video this week of Brendon Burchard’s and he was talking about the importance of scoring the roles you play every week...

Make A Difference Today
Monday, Monday, got to love this day… Often people wake up and dread Monday. Don’t be one of those people, instead be thankful that you...
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