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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

It Is Never Too Early To Give Thanks
Thankfulness should be an everyday habit that we develop and if we do, our perspective on life will change for the good. Today in our...

What’s Up With My Co-worker?
Many people are effected by what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which can happen during this time of the year. The first I...

Really, Half Of My Life?
“It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project.” ~Napoleon Hill 08/26/14 #getitright...

How To Change Your Life
“Live out your imagination, not your history” ~ Stephen Covey Motivation comes from within, we can not motivate others and others cannot...

Work and Home, The Balancing Act
I recently was talking with a law enforcement officer who told me that she would be ready to finish her shift and someone would not show...

Saturday Afternoon Thought…
Breathe in…breathe out…make every moment count. We don’t have an eternity to realize our dreams, only the time we are here. ~Susan Taylor...

Make A Happy and Healthier Workplace
We all want to stay healthy and there are certain things that we can do to help from spreading of germs while at work. Think about your...

Keep Moving Forward
“Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward” ~ Victor Kiam Not that I want to fall on my face, but if we do not keep...

You Can Take The Pressure
“The only difference between a diamond and a lump of coal is that the diamond had a little more pressure put on it.” ~ Unknown Whenever I...

There Are No Dress Rehearsals….
No matter how many time management books we read, lectures we attend or podcasts we listen to, we never can plan for the unexpected. We...

Fun at work, can it be done?
As the lecture session was adjourned and we headed out of the room where we were surprised to see about fifty people dancing the same...

Saturday’s Thought…
“Knowing oneself can be most difficult at times because we have the choice to change our mind” ~ T.C. Totaro Isn’t this the truth? How...

Reduce Employee Complaints With A Better Work Environment
In many places of business if employees are unhappy with issues regarding their work atmosphere (other than legal issues) there is just...

10 Life Lessons
I was right it was a great article with a lot of pearls of practical wisdom that anyone could benefit from. All 10 lessons were very...

Sunday Afternoon Thought…..
As this women spoke about how much she loved her trip she mentioned that she felt like her “time clock” was ticking away too fast and...

Keeping Your Positive Attitude Charged
Life Quote; “It’s not length of life, but depth of life” ~Ralph Waldo Emmerson 1. No matter what goes wrong she remains calm (amazing). ...

Is Your Workplace Dysfunctional?
At first the symptoms may not be easy to pinpoint and Band-Aids are handed out for quick fixes. As time goes on it becomes very apparent...

Sunday Tip: Stress can kill you!
I knew that stress was not healthy, but after reading about the effects it has on our body, it is really BAD for our us and our longevity...

Be More Productive By Relaxing
We are such busy people with so many demands in our lives with trying to balance work life, home life and personal “me” life. It seems...

Sunday Thought for Tomorrow
There are those who just like to see what each day will bring, but that is not for me. I have found that planning ahead works. My kids...
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