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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

We Are Shaped By Our Thoughts
Do not get stuck in the present. Be in the now – but look ahead as the future is what will move you forward. Have a blessed Saturday!...

Just Reach Out
It is never too late to reach out and grab for the golden ring. Life passes by so quickly, just reach out. Open the door. You will be...

Creating A Better You
Lately, the theme of becoming a better person has been popping up in everything I have been reading or listening to. Most people do want...

What Are You Eating?
Good Morning, before you stick anything into your mouth this morning you may want to watch this entertaining video about the food we...

Positive Self-Preparation
Sunday afternoon doesn’t have to be a drag knowing that it is only a few hours until you need to get ready to go back to work for another...

Saturday thought…
“When people are going forward it is a good sign, because they have forgotten where they came from.” ~ E. Kens Victor Keep moving...

Super Food, Super Productive
Yesterday, on my friend David Kanigan’s blog Lead.Learn.Live, he featured an article about Superfoods. These 14 Superfoods are supposed...

Your Attitude Is Your Choice
One of my pet peeves is when a person does not accept responsibility for their attitude. They always come up with an excuse as to why...

Sunday Thought…
#makingitthroughtoughtimes #Yourpersonalstorm #faith #endurance #hope #runningtheraceoflife

To Speak or Not To Speak…
“The trouble with talking too fast is you may say something you haven’t thought of yet.” ~Ann Landers “You will have many opportunities...

Potatoes, Eggs, or Coffee…Facing Adversity
We all have faced adversity at one time or another and will most likely face it again and again. The actual definition of adversity is;...

How Rich Are You?
We can become so busy with, work, family, and life in general that we forget take the time to evaluate where we are at today and what we...

Simplify and Succeed at Work
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with...

A Great Work Environment Begins With The Basics
“It doesn’t matter what you say you believe – it only matters what you do.” ~Robert Fulghum, Author of All I Really Need to Know I...

Connect With Humor At Work
It is not the humor of sitcoms and stand-up performances. In fact, it’s not really about joke telling as much as it is about finding and...

Sunday Night Thought…..
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is...

Christmas Lights, What’s The History?
Taking a little break today from management, work and co-workers to escape from the work world and enjoy the beauty of the season....

Your Co-Workers Don’t Like You
This article has stuck in my mind all week. Several of the reasons it points out are very common in the workplace and often not...

Saying “No” To Keep Balanced
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), of employees surveyed between 40-50% have reported that their job is “very” stressful...

Getting Fed Up At Work?
Is it that you realize jobs are pretty hard to come by now? Maybe you took a real good look at your job and counted all of the positives...
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