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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Tuesday Thought..
I found this picture and it pretty much sums up the way I have been feeling. There are so many things that we would like to do or...

How To Start The Week Out Right
For me Sunday evenings are saved for thoughts of the week to come. I like to think about what I have on my calendar and prepare myself...

Are You Stressed Out?
“Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having to much to do. It comes from not finishing what they’ve started” ~David...

Always Be You
I love this quote by “Ken Blanchard” We each are unique in our own way. At times we think that others should see, think and feel as we...

Are You In Or Out Of Your Zone?
Ahh.. the old comfort zone… The place that we really would prefer to stay because we know it all too well. I was talking to a young lady...

How Stressful Is Your Job?
How would you rate the level of stress at your job? A. Espresso B. Strong coffee C. Regular cup of coffee D. Decaffeinated E. Other...

The Bigger Question is…
It’s Friday and as I look back over the week I feel pretty good about my accomplishments. I caught up on my work, read a little bit and...

How often do you reflect on what you’ve achieved already?
By Stuart Young Change Your Life Take the opportunity today to look how far you have come. Every now and then I get into the ‘I haven’t...

Keeping Your Mind Healthy
Happy Monday Morning! Today will be my first day of immersion school in Montepulciano, Italy. About six years ago on a trip to Florence,...

Happiness Can Be Your Choice…
We have the choice to choose how we will live each day. Even though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, how we do it...

It’s Monday!
It’s Monday, not all people feel about their job like Mike here does. Some of you may not like your workplace at all, but you need the...

Make Me Think Friday…
As I was surfing the internet looking for interesting stories I came upon a blog called Marc and Angel Hack Life. They had a post that...

Friday Fun
Life cannot always be fun and games. But when it can, we need to go for the gusto! These are my families’ Boston Terriers celebrating...

Wednesday Thought….
You will never go wrong by telling what is right. Our reputation is based on our integrity and the ability for those we come in contact...

Walt Disney’s Legacy
I hope you have enjoyed this weeks posts on lessons learned from Walt Disney. His legacy is one that will never be forgotten. I have had...

A Valuable Lesson to Learn
“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. ...

Don’t Put Off Living
“One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical...

Reducing Job Stress For Employees
Yesterday’s post was about increasing employee morale. One of the biggest morale busters is “job stress.” As a business owner or...

Sunday Afternoon Thought…
Go Small. Don’t focus on being busy; focus on being productive. Allow what matters most to drive your day. ~ Gary Keller and Jay...

Connecting Work and Home to Family
When my children were young I had the privilege of being a stay at home mom, until I became a working from home mom. Even with one parent...
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