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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Making Your Life Happy
Since life is short, and it is. I enjoy looking for ideas and tips to make my life and those I encounter a bit better each day. When I...

Have You Witnessed Desk Rage?
I had a conversation last week with a manager who is quite stressed by her employer. She likes her job duties and the people she works...

Look For The Nows…
One of my favorite things to do with my husband is to take drives in his convertible to the ocean or through beautiful Sonoma County Wine...

Choosing A Bad Attitude
I came across this picture and quote and could not resist posting it. It is amazing what we can or cannot accomplish just because of the...

Are You An Empowered Person?
Earlier this month on Kristin Barton Cuthriell’s blog, The Snowball Effect she wrote about things that empowered people refuse to do. I...

Don’t Look Back
“Life is not about looking back and wishing that today is the same with the past. Life is about moving on, accepting changes and looking...

Becoming A Responsible Person
Happy Monday! I want to start the week out with the challenge of becoming 100 percent responsible for yourself. Most people when asked...

If Today Were Your Last….
We just found out that a family relative (way too young as far as I am concerned) has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. My motto...

Where Are You Heading?
“The heights of your achievements are determined by the depth of your self-belief, the strength of your resolve and the intensity of your...

A Necessary Ingredient In Living
“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the...

A Break Escape At Work
I am sure we would all agree that we are very busy people. We have so many demands in our lives with trying to balance work life, home...

It’s Inspiring!
Happy Monday to you all! I always like to share a good book that I have come across with you and today I have a really good one. It is...

Never Enough Time?
If you want something bad enough you will find the time to pursue it. It may take time to figure out how, but if you do not try then you...

Attitude…Can You Change it?
By accepting that you choose your attitude you demonstrate a level of personal accountability and pro-activity, which can fill your life...

Shake The Blues Away
I posted this last year and felt that the message is important at this time of year to bear repeating. I hope that all of you had a nice...

How To Keep A Resolution
“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” ~ George Washington Carver Each New Years...

Fighting The Holiday Blues
With the Holidays falling in the middle of the week this year it can be a bit tough if you have to return to work the day immediately...

Make Life Easier For Yourself
On Saturday Paul Mark Sutherland had a great post on success rituals that I found was simple and doable. For those who function by...

Where Are You Headed?
Get your shoes on and get going….. Each day is a new beginning…. It is your choice….. #twomistakes #lifeisaboutchoices #itisyourchoice...

Keeping Your Work Environment Healthy
There is a big cost to a business when employees are ill or unhealthy. There is lost production with absenteeism, but also when...
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