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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Do Something Great
“Be Happy It Drives People Crazy” Happy Wednesday! #beinspirational #dosomethinggoodforyourself #begoodtoyourself #lovelife...

Do You Dread Your Job?
When you woke up this morning were you excited about what awaited you at work or did you feel heaviness in your heart and dread the...

Enjoy each moment
Yes…. but each moment is a milestone Enjoy today and everyday, Happy Wednesday to you all! #whatmatters #milestones #enjoythemoment...

Make Time For Fun
Happy Friday to you all. I will be heading out to visit the country of my family today, Italy. It is a place that I love to go to, and...

Sing the Monday Blues Away
“Monday Monday, so good to me, Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be.” Sing those Monday morning blues away. Pick your favorite...

Smart Advice
“When you can’t change the direction of the wind – adjust your sails” ~ H. Jackson Brown Jr. Happy Friday everyone, have a wonderful...

Finding Balance
“Life is a balanced system of learning and evolution. Whether pleasure or pain; every situation in your life serves a purpose. It is up...

Reversing Negative Momentum
On Wednesday I wrote about defining successful and how this is an individual experience. Even though each person needs to define what...

Are You Stuck In A Rut?
We all have experienced a time, maybe a few, when we have gotten stuck in a rut. We feel down, maybe sorry for ourselves, and just...

Be More Optimistic
If you asked 100 people if they would like to be happy at work what do you think they would say? I am sure they would love to be happy...

Too Much or Too Little Work Causes Stress?
We often think that stress is related to having too much work to do. I recently read that having too little to do at work also can...

Sunday Evening Thought…..
I love knowing that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it. We can have a fresh start each and everyday, it is all about choices!...

Beating The Monday Blues
I recently read a great article on the Forbes website about beating the Monday blues. International author and speaker on happiness at...

Sunday Thought…
I like this one…. We must practice it everyday! #cheapmedicine #laugheveryday #laughterismedicine #makesomeonehappy

Can H2O Improve The Moods At The Office?
Have you ever notice that certain co-worker’s moods are not quite so jovial? Check out what they drink during the day. Proper hydration...

Become Resilient
During challenging and difficult times at work when changes are taking place and there is uncertainty of how things will end up, we can...

The Doctor Is In…
Such a wise doctor…. Live in the moment they pass so quickly! #bewise #Thedoctorisin #lifeisshort #makememories #lovelife #liveinthemoment

Stress, Burnout and Saying No
According to a survey of employees by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), between 40-50% have reported that their job is “very”...

Take The Challenge
Why not start your week out a bit differently by taking this challenge? This may sound easy, but believe me it is not. Try not to...
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