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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Sweet Dreams, Tomorrow Is A New Day
“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ~ L.M. Montgomery #sweetdreams #angels #freshstart...

The Beauty of Starting Again
Start a new chapter today. No matter what the title is, begin it now. Rise up.. Start fresh… See the opportunity before you…. For today...

Is There A Secret To Happiness?
Stuart Young the Author of “How to change your life one day at a time” posted the question below on his Facebook page yesterday. “What...

Give Away Wishes Today
Make today a day you wish the best for those you come in contact with. Life is too short not too! Happy Wednesday 🙂 #bringhappiness...

Wednesday Evening Thought….
What do you think would happen if just before you fell asleep this evening you planted a positive thought in your mind, one that when you...

Why Can’t I Remember…
There are times when I think my memory is failing me and it is scary. These times usually happen when there is a lot on my plate and...

How Are You Traveling?
“May you find your happy thought and hold on to it throughout the upcoming week!” #happylife #experiencelife #happythoughts...

Share A Little Happiness
“Try to make at least one person happy every day. If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word. If you cannot speak a a kind work,...

Being Flexible At Work
“Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape” ~ Michael McGriff If you work directly with other people or are part...

The Greatness Inside
I was perusing quotes and pictures on the internet last night I came upon this picture. The more I looked at it and studied the image...

Is Your Workplace Sick?
If you have been following my blog for any length of time you know that my workplace loves to have fun. Our workplace culture belief is...

One Free Way To Stay Healthy
While at the butcher shop the other day waiting my turn I observed the young woman behind the counter, I could not help but notice her...

Less Stress For The Holidays
How did the Holiday Season sneak up on us so quickly this year? With only 13 shopping days left until Christmas Eve I have found myself...

Holiday Health Hazards to Remember
While surfing the intranet yesterday I came across an article regarding Holiday Hazards that are a regular occurrence each year. By...

Thought Provoking Questions
When was the last time that you presented yourself with a thought provoking question? You know like “What is the meaning of my life?” I...

Job Stress Is On The Rise
I awoke very early this morning and started thinking about all of the people who had to be at work for “Black Friday” sales. Those who...

Who Controls Your Happiness?
Recently, I was talking with a client who expressed that he really did not expect to be successful in his present business because he had...

Too Tired To Work?
Getting enough sleep is vital to being a functional person at work. Sleep deprivation not only affects our work ability it can cause a...

Follow Your Heart and Intuition (TBT)
I thought I would share one of my favorite Steve Jobs quotes with you. Time is so precious and when he spoke this he knew his days were...

If It Costs You Nothing…Give Them Away!
Happy Wednesday to you all! I challenge each of you to give away at least 25 smiles today and see what you get in return. Smiling costs...
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