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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Lessons Learned From A Fire
Hello, I have been MIA for almost two weeks now due to a horrific event that happened in my city of Santa Rosa in Sonoma California on...

How To Improve Your Relationships
I was watching a video this week of Brendon Burchard’s and he was talking about the importance of scoring the roles you play every week...

Make A Difference Today
Monday, Monday, got to love this day… Often people wake up and dread Monday. Don’t be one of those people, instead be thankful that you...

Thursday’s Tip For Success!
How do you go from knowledge to action? We often find this step difficult and then we stop and fail to achieve what we really desire....

Choosing High Performance
We have multiple choices we make each and every day. Each one can affect how the day goes and what the outcome may be. How we perform...

Are you becoming your best self?
Just when I have achieved one of my goals and think I can take it easy, I realize that I still have a long way to go. Becoming our best...

Looking For The Positive
I was speaking with a colleague today who just got back from a trip with a relative. I asked her if she had a good time, and she said...

Did You Say Thank You Today?
When was the last time you asked your coworker if they needed help? When was the last time that you told your boss or coworkers thank...

Leaders Must Be Persistent
There are several key “ingredients” that make up great leaders in the workplace. One for certain is “persistence.” Although it is an...

You Can Shape Your World
“No matter your position, circumstances, or opportunities in life, you always have the freedom of mind to choose how you experience,...

You Get To Choose
Each day and every moment we get to choose what attitude we will bring to the world. Your heart goes with you no matter where you go,...

Make Today Count
It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up-...

Take A Healthy Break At Work
Whether you work in a medical office, retail store, or factory, it really doesn’t matter when it comes to needing that 5-minute breather...

Focus For Success
I like the phrase “chewable bite-sized portions” and try to apply it to my “To Do” list of things. The only way to accomplish a lot is...

Be On Top Of Your Game On Friday!
Happy Friday! Statistics show that by the time Friday, the end of most work weeks, gets here employees who work Monday through Friday...

At The End Of The Day We are Accountable To Ourselves
Over the next few posts I will cover several traits that great leaders posses. I hope you will not only enjoy them, but will pick up...

How Can You Love Your Job?
How do you feel about your job? Do you love it or hate it? Or is your job just okay and will do for the time being while you figure out...

Who Helps You?
I posted this story about Charles Plumb’s parachute a long time ago, but felt it was worth repeating as a reminder that it is not us...

Change Can Stick, If You Are Serious And Simple
Today is the first day of Spring. When Spring arrives we start thinking of planting a garden, spring cleaning or getting some outdoor...

Blowing Problems Out Of Proportion
Problems are always going to happen. Many times when they do happen we will put the problem under a microscope and magnify it to make it...
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