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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Rate Your Service Skills
If you work with people you are in the people service business. Whether it is customers, patients, clients or coworkers that you work...

Check Your Attitude…
“Check your attitude at the door and motivate yourself” Choose a positive outlook. Your thoughts make you who you are. You are...

Where Are You Going?
“The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.”– Oliver Wendell Holmes Take a few...

I Love My Job, I Hate My Job
When you talk to people about their job you will usually hear one of two things; “I love my job or I hate my job.” There are times when...

Life Lesson: #5
“It’s not about how to achieve your dreams, it’s about how to lead your life, … If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take...

Today Matters
“It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind.” ~ Napoleon Hill Do one...

Can Reading Change Your Life?
I really enjoy making the time to read and have found reading quality, motivational, inspirational and sensational books over the last...

Why are you happy to be alive?
I have three beautiful children with wonderful partners. They make me smile every day I am alive. I am expecting my first grandchild in...

Do Not Fear Failure
“Reach out and open the door that no one thought could be opened. Life is waiting behind it!” ~ Kelly Ann Rothaus It is amazing...

Count Your Blessings
“Memories, friends and loved ones…. We are so rich if we would just take the time to count our blessings” I love looking through my...

Take The Appreciation Challenge
To be appreciated is the greatest gift of all. Today, take the time to tell others that you appreciate them. Here are a few examples of...

Live In The Moment
“What day is it?” “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet “My favorite day,” said Pooh ~ A.A. Milne #enjoytoday #dontworry #lifeisshort...

Sunday Evening Thought
“Starting today, I need to forget what is gone, appreciate what still remains and look forward to what is coming next.” ~ Author Unknown...

Don’t Depend On Others To Motivate You
Often in the workplace employees will feel it is the management’s job to motivate them and make them happy. While I do not totally...

The Art Of Life
Working from home today and needed a break so I decided to Google some fun quotes. I found this one and I think is it wonderful! Way too...

How To End Your Day
End today with a positive thought! #freshbegining #happythoughts #Sundaythought #Positivethoughts #endtheday #betterdaytomorro

Dream Your Dream!
“When you cease to dream you cease to live.” ~ Malcom Forbes Dream your dream and live the life that is yours! #dream #seekyourdreams...

Do You Want To Be Valued?
“The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt, American...

Monday, Monday…
Happy Monday to all of you. It is hard understand why people get so upset about this day of the week. I know that for many, myself...

What Draws People To You Naturally?
Smiling is not only good for your attitude and the attitude of those you come in contact with, smiling adds health benefits to your life....
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