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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Take Inventory Of Your Priorities
With the busy lives we live it is so easy to miss the little things that make life wonderful. We get home after a long day of work only...

A Hard Journey
“Sometimes we make the process more complicated than we need to. We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how...

Today Happens Once
Happy Friday! Another week full of memories and stories to add to our life book. With every person we encounter each day we are not only...

Happy Workplace, Happy Employees, Happy Customers
Where do you draw the line when it comes to the responsibility of providing workplace happiness? While there is much proof that...

Which Plans Do You Do Best?
“I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they do their lives. Perhaps that is because escape...

The “Can Do” Attitude
Many years ago I purchased some exercise tapes from Tony Little the exercise guru. Tony has a pretty amazing story of success as a...

Creating Great Teams
One of my passions is coaching medical practices on how to create an “A+ Team” of their staff members. Teams of any kind, sports, work,...

One Of Life’s Greatest Pleasures
“Giving whether it be of time, labor, affection, advice, gifts, or whatever, is one of life’s greatest pleasures.” ~Rebecca Russell This...

Make A Day, Change A Life
When a business wants to create dedicated and loyal employees, they first need to show them how much they are valued. This begins the...

There Is Always Something…
“Gratitude means to recognize the good in your life, be thankful for whatever you have, some people may not even have one of those things...

Bad Job, Bad Situation
You really are unhappy with your job right now but because of your situation it doesn’t appear that another job is in the near future....

Look for Accomplishments
With the New Year here I have been thinking about what goals or resolutions I would like to set up for myself to accomplish in 2016. I...

Making Changes
It is the time of year when people begin to think about changes they want to make in their life. So often we want the change, but we are...

My Religion Is Kindness
With the Holidays approaching you may notice that some of your coworkers are feeling bit more stressed. This can be caused by various...

Focus On The Future
“Life is not about looking back and wishing that today is the same with the past. Life is about moving on, accepting changes and looking...

Creating Your Happy Thought List
For many the Holiday Season can be very difficult for one reason or another. This year I personally know a couple of families that have...

Follow Your Heart
“You can’t do passion halfway. Living your passion means you’re all in. You trust your heart and trust your gut wherever that takes you.”...

The Past Is The Foundation Of The Present (and future)
“I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have...

Suffering Burnout
What do you do when you feel your life is your job and you only live to work? I was speaking with a gentleman recently that was...

Have A “Yes” Attitude
There is a great little book called “Yes Attitude, How to Find, Build and Keep a YES! Attitude for a Lifetime of Success” by author,...
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