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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Keeping Your Management Skills Sharpened
Stephen Covey was one of greatest leadership leaders of our time. We really are missing his wisdom each day since his passing. He gave...

Have A Gratitude Attitude
On this Good Friday I wanted to take the opportunity to share with you one of my favorite “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff” stories on being...

Sunday Morning Power Thought
#Createexcellence #excellenceisnotaact #actrightly #goldenrule #loveothers #dowhatisright #excellenceisahabit

A Great Work Environment Begins With The Basics
“It doesn’t matter what you say you believe – it only matters what you do.” ~Robert Fulghum, Author of All I Really Need to Know I...

Potty Mouths At Work
They were discussing the recent football games and apparently one of them was pretty unhappy at the result. They were bantering back and...

Born to Lead
Robert Griffin III, has an incredibly inspiring story and his leadership skills are proof that it is his calling. The amazing part is...

Value Those You Work With
They also understand that each person that works for the company has a position that is as valuable as theirs. They take the time to earn...

Becoming a Great Employee
Since the pool of eligible and highly qualified people seeking jobs is so large, it is important to understand what employers are...

Your Brand Is Your Reputation
“Your brand or your name is simply your reputation” ~ Richard Branson Photo from There is a lot written about branding...

Managers Need to Know What Their Staff is Doing
By “tracks performance closely” I am not referring to micromanaging. Successful managers do not need to micromanage. When a manager knows...

Walk Your Dreams
As this gentleman was waiting the treatment room for the doctor I went in, introduced myself and took the opportunity to practice what...

The Benefits Of Admitting Mistakes
There are two sides to a mistake when it is found. Either you found that one has been made or you made it and need to admit it to your...

Who Is Your Customer?
What a great question I thought. Many times we think the people we serve that pay money for either product or service are our...

Your Co-Workers Don’t Like You
This article has stuck in my mind all week. Several of the reasons it points out are very common in the workplace and often not...

Sunday Afternoon Thought…
~ John Maxwell #putothersbeforeyourself #themidastouch #Addingvaluetoothers #enrichingothers #helpingothers #doinggoodforothers

What Are Your Employees Thinking?
Do they get excited about what they do and who they do it for? Keeping employees actively engaged and happy at work can be a...

A Lesson On Apologies
The Last Lecture, died on July 25th, 2008. If you have never watched the last lecture or read the book I highly recommend that you do. ...

Resolving Workplace Conflict
Maybe it is a one time incidence that can be overlooked. But when it becomes a regular occurrence that is upsetting your work world then...

How To Leave A Job On Good Terms
According to an article on the average person changes jobs ten to fifteen times (with an average of 11 job changes) during his...

Poor Ethical Decision Making
When challenged about ethical standards people can feel backed into a corner and they begin what is called “creative labeling” or making...
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